Chapter 19

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Sorry not yet edited. I just wanted to give you something bc the next update for this story will be 3 weeks away bc I'm posting other stories x

"I can't just stop. I can't just let you go." Zayn whispers.

"Why? You do to every other guy you sleep with." Liam reminds him. He can't kelp doing this. He's being used and he's allowed it.

Zayn steps forward, cornering Liam to the wall so he couldn't move anywhere. "You're different then every other guy I've slept with."

Liam didn't know what to say. He always finds it difficult to do anything when Zayn is so close to him; his body nearly pressing against his. It makes it hard to concentrate.

"How?" He manages to say.

Zayn half smiles, taking Liam's hand in his and presses it against his chest where his heart is. "Because you're the only one that can cause my heart to beat this fast."

Liam could feel Zayn's heartbeat and how fast it was going. Is it him really causing it? Zayn said it was so he wasn't going to question any further.

Instead he kisses Zayn roughly until they were half naked, grinding on each other in the bed.

Liam quickly awakes breathing loudly. It was a dream. Of course it was a fucking dream. Nothing that good can come so easily.

Liam lays back down, starring at the ceiling. He has to get a grip on these feelings.

The dreams he's been having the past few nights since telling Zayn he can't keep sleeping around and somehow making his feelings stronger. His dreams represent the fact the he doesn't speak to Zayn anymore and how much he misses him.

He hasn't tried talking to Liam yet, which he was both thankful and upset about. It's so far proving that Zayn didn't care about him as much as he led Liam to believe.

Zayn made him into a more confident, care free person and it's difficult to let all that go because of extra feelings he shouldn't be feeling.

He rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. He could feel that he would need to have another cold shower and felt like screaming because after 3 days he was so sick of them.

"Get him out of your head. Stop thinking about him." Liam told himself, slowly getting out of bed. He walks to the bathroom, stripping off and turning on the water.

"Fuck." Liam hissed when he walked under the cold water. So sick of these.


"So you've got the night planned out yet?" Zayn asked Louis.

"Nope." He answered.

"Louis it's 2 days away. If you need help you know I can." Zayn tells him. He wants nothing more then to see Niall and Louis have a good time together, like they used to. They still do but it's different. This might be able to change that.

"Thanks Zee, but I've got it." he smiles. "Besides you've got your own problems to deal with don't ya?" He asks, a smug smirk on his face.

"What?" Zayn plays stupid.

"Oh Zayn." Chuckling to himself, Louis slings his arm around Zayn's shoulder. Zayn looks at Louis' arm and back to his face, giving him a look that indicates he doesn't want his arm there.

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