Chapter 43

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A year later ? Sorry

The next day:

Harry had done what Liam had asked from him and rounded everyone up for lunch. He decided it would be easiest to have it at his and Niall's as he was the one organising it and their place was practically in the middle of all. It was collage break so everyone was free and it was easy to make the quick plans. Ordering pizza with a few bevs and all the boys over seems like a pretty good afternoon.

"We probably should get out of bed." Harry groans. They were due for guests in about an hour and him and Niall were still recovering from their extremely long night. "I'm sore all over."

"That makes two of us." Niall mutters, glancing at Harry. He was laying on his stomach, head in the pillows. "How many hours of sleep do you think we even got?

Harry chuckles to himself. "Ah I'd say maybe 4 at the most." He pauses, leaning close to Niall, his lips hovering over his. "Maybe next time we should take more breaks, spread out our energy throughout days instead of hours. I mean you have the key now.." he chuckles lightly, showing his dimples and Niall could feel his breath. " can have me any time you want me." He presses his lips against Niall's softly yet with so much intensity all at once.

"Hey hey mr, you're the one who's always taking my clothes off." Niall tried to argue but Harry gives him a look to suggest otherwise and Niall laughs, moving his body and rolling himself onto Harry, so that his legs were placed beside Harry's waist and his hands on Harry's chest.

"Actually now with you on me like that, I'm gonna be the one asking to let me have my way with you." He wets his lips.

"Oh is that right?" Niall asks seductively and Harry just nods his head and mutters a 'mmhm'. "Well if that's the case.." Niall rubs his hands down Harry's chest, moving his body in a way that causes Harry to get a little excited. "'re gonna have to deal with that yourself right now because we have guests coming soon and someone has to make sure everything's ready." He smirks, pecking Harry on the lips and jumping off him, showing off his bare arse as he walked towards the bathroom.

Harry didn't even say anything. Just groaned very loudly so that Niall could hear the frustration. 


Louis and Josh come as a couple with Zayn tagging along as a third wheel. He was going to bring Adam but just wanted to catch up properly with everyone without worrying if he's enjoying himself or not. Plus there was a chance Liam was coming and he still hasn't told him he's got Adam and that's not something you want to come out at a social gathering. He was going to tell him today though, see how Liam reacts. Zayn's been doing a lot of thinking and if it comes down to it, he would consider choosing Liam over Adam.

He cared for Adam more than anyone..apart from Liam. He couldn't help his feelings. He wished that Adam was the only one he thought about but that's so unrealistic when you never fell out of love with someone else. He just didn't know how to go about it. He had to be truthful to Liam. He couldn't just break up with Adam and pretend that this whole time he had been single. He had to see where Liam's head was at and see if it was worth taking the risk and getting back together. Maybe Liam didn't want him, maybe he wasn't good for Liam still. Wasn't good for him then and there's a good chance he isn't now.

"Hey Niall, long time no see." Josh smiles, giving him a hug.

"Yeah hey Josh. Good to see you." Niall replies but his smile only grew when he saw who was behind him. "Zayn! Louis! I hardly see you guys anymore, whats been happening."

"We saw you a few days ago and it's also your own fault because you don't leave this place." Louis says, joking but a hint of seriousness in his voice.

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