Chapter 42

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JUST A SHORT CHAPTER BECAUSE I HAVEN'T WRITTEN IN A LONG TIME AND NEED TO GET BACK INTO THE RYTHYM. SO I APOLOGISE IF IT'S NOT THE BEST! But I have realised that writing is a good distraction, so I think I'll be updating a little bit more for all of you! And thank you for sticking around, I know it's been a frustrating wait <3


"I mean if you want me to draw up a couple designs, I can do that for you and you can either choose one or pick different things of each that you like most." Zayn says to Liam over the phone.

The both of them were in their own beds, and they've been talking for an hour and a half already about everything. The whole time neither of them could remove the smiles from their faces.

"Yeah that could work." Liam replies. "I think you understand well what type of design I would like too, so that's always good." He rolls over onto his side, seeing the photo of him and James on his bedside table and automatically feeling guilty. "Uh Zayn."

"Yeah?" Zayn replies questioningly.

"I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." And Liam didn't even wait until Zayn could reply before hanging up the phone.

Zayn was surprised by the quick change in tone. Maybe Harry went over and had to leave quickly? Yeah that's probably the case. And Liam knows that Harry would possibly disapprove again that he was talking to him and so left. That's gotta be it, right?

Zayn looked at his phone properly and noticed Adam has texted him multiple times. From the normal 'hey babe' to 'is everything alright' to 'I'm coming over to yours now'.

Zayn couldn't really be bothered dealing with Adam right now, though he's only looking out for him, he can become over protective and Zayns the last person who needs to be protected. So seeing as though the last text was only send about 5 minutes ago, Zayn quickly replied,

"Hey babe, sorry my phone was turned off. Don't bother coming over, I'm just with Niall and Louis and I'm completely fine and probably won't be home for a while xx'

It was only about 2 minutes later when he received a response back. "Okay baby, I'll talk to you in the morning x'

Crisis avoided. But why is there one to begin with? Why is Liam coming back making his mind freak and make him do these actions? He was never the one to end things with Liam so the feelings for him were never stopped, just put on the breaks. He didn't know what the best thing to do was. The smartest option would be to cut Liam out of his life because before seeing him again, he was happy. But does being with Liam make him even more happy?


"Yo, are you good?" Harry asks Liam, as soon as he walked through the door. Niall was currently in the shower, recovering from the celebration. Harry was going to join him until he got a text from Liam. 

"Yeah that depends on what you would define the word 'good' to actually mean." He sighs and falls onto the chair. Why could his relationship be as clear to him as Niall and Harry's? 

"Alright." Harry wasn't going to express his happiness about Niall basically moving in until he knew Liam was okay. It's always a horrible feeling to be hurting inside while seeing the opposite in others. "Does whatever you're feeling have anything to do with how close you're becoming with Zayn again?" Liam raised an eyebrow, in which Harry just shrugged. "Niall gave me the insight...though I'm pretty annoyed you didn't think you could come to be about it."

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