Chapter 15

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Took so long to update because I went on holiday!

"Liam!" Harry called out to him, seeing him walk alone to his locker at the beginning of the school day.

Liam stopped walking and smiled when he saw Harry. "Hey Haz." He croaked. His voice still hadn't fully recovered from when he gave Zayn a blow job on Saturday. He didn't know doing it would make his voice sound a bit strange.

Harry laughed. "What's with your voice?" He asked. "Sounds like you gave someone head or something." He continued to laugh lightly. Liam rolled his eyes, playing along with Harry's 'joke' of a comparison.

"Just have a sore throat." He lied. Before Zayn came along Liam would never lie to Harry but now it just seems he's doing it constantly.

Harry smirked, nodding his head. "Fair enough." They continued to talk as they walked.

Both Harry and Liam were looking at each other as they spoke but something caught Harry's attention, causing him to look up. Liam watched him as Harry stared straight ahead.

Liam followed his gaze to whatever had captured his eye. He was surprised when he saw it wasn't Louis, like he expected, but was in fact Niall.

Niall hadn't seen Harry yet, as he walked with Zayn. After the other day they hadn't spoken. Harry didn't go meet up with Louis though. And Niall hadn't seen Louis yet either.

The question of whether to tell Louis about the affair is still yet to be answered. Niall wondered what came over him but in a way he didn't regret it. It happened and it can't be changed so why dawn over it. It is what it is.

And that's got Niall thinking about Louis again and what his tattoos would look like if they were glazing with sweat. Having sex again has gotten his mind constantly thinking about sex. All yesterday that's all he could think about. He masterbated 5 times. That's a lot, even for him. Just every time he thought he was over it, something would just pop into his mind.

It would either be Louis and his incredible arse, or Harry and his lushes lips. No matter what, he just couldn't keep his mind off the topic of sex. It made him kind of crazy.

Niall was alright now though. Not that the thoughts don't pop up from time to time. He just really doesn't want sex to become too important to him. As bad as it sounds, he doesn't want to turn out like the other guys. At the moment though, it's not looking too good.

As they came closer, Niall caught eyes with Harry. His face was blank, not really knowing how to react. He obviously knew he was going to see Harry. He goes to the same school. It would be impossible to avoid him. But it still didn't make it any less awkward.

Harry smiled softly, which Niall returned with a small nod, before he looked down at his feet.

Zayn gave Liam a look and he just shrugged. Zayn looked between the the two of them one last time before turning back to Liam, shrugging too because he had no clue what was going on. But Zayn managed to also send a sneaky wink Liam's way before walking past them. Liam's cheeks immediately heated up.

Zayn was quick to question. "What was that about?" He asked almost immediately after walking past the pair. It was normal to give someone a smile or wave when walking past but this exchange was different.

Harry seemed nervous and Niall, after returning the smile, looked down at the floor as if he couldn't look at Harry for too long. That's not just a regular greeting in the hall for two guys who don't talk to each other.

Niall looked at Zayn casually. "Nothing, don't know what you're talking about." He replied. Niall wasn't sure whether to tell Zayn or not but he knew he'd get it out of him. He always does.

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