Chapter 35

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Gives me ideas to spice this fanfic back up please?! I'm really hoping it can get to 10K votes soon bc that would be a dream come true and my first story to make it that big!

*unedited sorry!*

"Zayn!" Liam calls out, seeing Zayn walking down the busy hallway on his own. Zayn stops in his tracks, turning around to give Liam a tight smile.

"Hey Li-." He begins to say when Liam finally catches up to him.

Liam doesn't let him speak though, as he silences him by pressing his lips against his in a passionate kiss.

Zayn was shocked at first but quickly regained composure, closing his eyes and kissing Liam back with the same amount of force, maybe even more and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Everyone around them watched in shock. They all knew they were something but none of them thought they would do anything in public, especially Liam considering not many people even knew who he was.

Liam pulled away, both him and Zayn having stupid smiles on their faces. "What was that?" Zayn asks.

Biting his lip Liam replies, "They all know anyway, so what's the point in hiding something and hurting us both while doing so." He lightly laughs. "Plus this way is so much more fun. We can tease everyone around us with our games."

Liam decided after his talk with Harry that them being seen together with Zayn shouldn't be a bad thing. They love each other and everyone's talking about them anyway. At least now their whispers won't be so bad considering they won't be sneaking around and different assumptions will be made other than just them 'sleeping around'.

Zayn hummed, pulling Liam closer. "I've taught you well." He smirks.

Liam raises his eyebrows, laughing and pushing Zayn away. "Let's find somewhere quiet." He says. "I don't like everyone looking at me." He takes Zayn's hand and drags him along, away from the crowd.

"Should've thought about that before you spontaneously kissed me in front of everyone in our year." Zayn teases, watching Liam from the corner of his eyes.

"Shut up." Liam retaliates.

"Fine." He says. A moment of comfortable silence comes before Zayn remembers something. "Oh did I tell you? Louis' moved into our P.E class."

"He's what?" Liam asks amused. "Is it because he doesn't want to be in Niall's class anymore?"

Zayn shakes his head. "No. Well maybe. I guess it's part of the reason." He says. "I suppose he's doing new things to get over what he could've had." He half smiles. "It's sad, but it's his way of coping and I would be an awful friend just to shut him down."

"This isn't just about moving classes I'm guessing." Liam comments.

Sighing, Zayn sits on the end of a bench, pulling Liam towards him. they were now outside, away from the crowd. "Nope. It's Louis being Louis."

"You're worried about him, that's normal. You've been best friends for so long. But maybe you just have to tell him how it is, rather than just encouraging him." Liam suggests.

"Well I did help him with deciding who to sleep with next." Zayn mutters.

"Um what?" Liam laughs. "That's such a fuckboy thing to do."

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