Chapter 4

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This story is nominated in the 1D Bromance Awards so please please please go and have a vote. It's in the Undiscovered Ziam category! I don't expect to come close to winning but I'm really hoping that it can make it into the second round! Considering I haven't been writing it for long that would be absolutely amazing!

Anyway, I think you guys will love this chapter ! It's pretty long I think too :) just for you guys x

Louis had a glow about him when he walked into school the following day. The grin not leaving his face as he found Zayn and Niall standing and talking by the lockers. "Hey guys." He said over cheerfully.

"Hey Lou." Niall greets happily, while Zayn gets right to the point.

"How was your fuck last night?" He asks.

"Yeah I think this is my cue to leave." Niall groans. He slags his bag over one of his shoulders. "I'll see you both in English." He mutters to them, walking down the hall. Niall spots Luke and jogs up to him. Niall needs a distraction from the things that are going through his mind right now. He can't stand there and listen to what Louis is about to tell Zayn.

"What's his problem?" Louis asks Zayn after Niall walks off.

Zayn shrugged. "He was fine just before. Maybe he's sick of listening to you talk." Zayn teases.

"Um if you did not so blindly notice, he left after you spoke." Louis retaliated back.

"Yes but I meant he's sick of you talking about you having sex with guys." Zayn smirks. Louis doesn't argue with that. Niall's always not very comfortable with the topic but he normally puts up with it anyway, so Louis really doesn't blame him for not wanting to hear about it.

"Yeah probably." Louis mumbles. Zayn laughs, fishing out his phone to see what time it is.

"We got 5 minutes until first class." Zayn says, putting his phone back in his pocket. Louis unlocks his locker, searching through his mess of books to find the ones he needs. "So I'm assuming it went well, considering you haven't stopped smiling for even a split second." Zayn muses.

Louis stops what he's doing and turns his head, looking back at Zayn. "Oh god yes." He replies. He leans back against the lockers. "It wasn't anything special, like no added props or anything." Louis smirked and Zayn shakes his head. When it comes to sex Louis is always one to use weird, but extremely pleasurable little props. "It was just rough, hard sex but oh god it was so great." Louis pauses. "And he gives good blow jobs." Louis exclaimed, rolling his head back and sighing dramatically. "It was amazing, so you can only imagine what next times going to be like."

"Next time?" Zayn chuckled. "Lou, I don't think Harry's done anything of what you like before, you might scare him off."

"Well he's in for a treat then." Louis laughs. "Nah I'll take it slow." He shrugs. "Maybe next time I'll just blindfold him or something." Louis tells Zayn which causes Zayn to burst into laughter but quickly quiets down when he notices that Louis wasn't laughing with him.

"Wait your serious?" Zayn asks.

Louis nods. "Ah yeah. Blindfolding is nothing compared to what I've done to you." Louis reminds him. "You're still the best I've had." Zayn smiled cockily at that remark. "Plus I'm positive that Harry will be into that type of thing." He adds.

"True, true and true." Louis goes back to getting his things from his locker. "Yeah blindfolding is only apprentice stuff, unless you use that whip you have." Zayn cringes slightly but the thought of what Louis did to him with that whip makes his skin heat up. Zayn hadn't had sex in about a week now and it's making his hormones crazier then before.

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