Chapter 1 The Teens

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A/N: Hey so sorry I had to change Raph's name to Keji because my friend changed his OC. So this might be a bit confusing for me. If I ever accidentally say Raph please let me know. I also changed Spirit to Blade because it became too much to try to differentiate the two stories I am writing. If I accidentally have Spirit written I'm sorry, and let me know.

"Okay because we can't get along we have each chosen a new member for the team, we need some introductions. Why don't we each introduce our person?" asks Robin.

"Who's gonna introduce the hurt one?" asks Beast Boy.

"I guess I will," says Cyborg.

"Pearl Aggie Verpa, blonde hair, hazel-eyed, genius. She's in honor classes, the honor roll, student government, the debate team, the mathlete team, and so much more. Best friends with Adina. A very active and bright young woman. That is until a freak accident crippled her. She wound up becoming the first almost full cybernetic woman. She is Seriva," says Raven.

"Adina Bailey Agular red hair, blue-eyed, geek. Part of the Anime, and Gaming clubs. Best friends with Pearl. A very friendly young woman. That is until an unfinished formula for rabid dogs was spilled into her bloodstream. Which made it possible for her to change into any dog or wolf breed she wanted. She is Akita," says Starfire.

"Kenji Hamato Asumi, silver hair, eyed, once proud ninja. A brother of Azarathians. He came to Jump city to fight against evil for Honor. His main weapon is his Katana sword "Demon Slayer" but he can form weapons out of thin air. Best friends with Cody. He is Shiriken," says Robin.

"Cody Luca Williams, strawberry blonde hair, blue-eyed extrovert. He's friends with anyone that'll talk to him. He's on any sports team he can be. Loves the greenhouse. Best friends with Kenji. A very lovable goofball. That is until he finds out he can make balls of light in his hands. He is Knight," says Beast Boy

"Unknown is a very mysterious blonde hair, silver-eyed, introvert. She was found by us, beaten, broken, scared, and alone. We don't know much about her. She's very closed off. But we hope to make her life better than it was. She's very skilled and versatile with blades. She is Blade," says Cyborg.

"Thankfully they are not here to hear that very weird introduction," laughs Starfire.

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