Chapter 31: Operation Rescue

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****A/N: Oh wow! I am so sorry I got distracted! Easter and family etc. I'll post two chapters since it's been a while.****

***Akita's POV***

I get to Cinder Blocks and find Rae, Shiri, and Cy sticking their hand through the hologram left behind by one of the others.

"Cinder Block is not this smart," Cy says.

"Someone else must have set it up," Rae says, "But who?"

"If Cinderblock isn't here then where is he?" Shiri asks.

"Guys, we have to get out of here," I say.

"Akita," Shiri says, surprised.

"Why are you here?" Cy asks.

"I'll explain later. We have to leave," I say.

I lead them out and away then turn around to answer their questions.

"What is going on?" Cy asks.

"We were all tricked. Everyone's in danger. Everyone we are after is at Puppeteers. It's all a trap," I say.

"We have to save the others," Rae says.

"BB and Rob are warning the other groups. We regroup at Titan Tower," I say.

Cinder Blocks hideout suddenly explodes. I look around and see two other columns of smoke.

"The others," Shiri guesses.

"All we can do now is hope they got out. We head for the tower," I say.

***BB's POV***

I get to Mad Mod's biggest company and find the others inside.

"Where is everyone?" Knight asks.

"It is like a town of ghosts," Star says.

"Guys, don't go any farther," I say.

"Beast Boy you scared us," Knight says.

"Why are you here friend Beast Boy?" Star asks.

"I'll tell you, but first we have to get out of here," I say.

We exit and head for the hill about two miles away, and stop.

"What is going on?" Knight asks.

"It's a trap. Everyone's in danger. The people we're after are all at Puppeteer's. We were tricked." I say.

"We must save our friends," Star says.

"Rob and Akita have the others covered. We have to get out of here," I say.

Mad Mod's biggest company blows up and I can see two other columns of smoke. That means all the places except Puppeteer's were set to explode.

"Our friends.," Star says.

"All we can do now is hope they got out. We regroup at Titan tower," I say.

We leave for the tower.

***Rob's POV***

I arrive at Mister Twister's and the place is empty. I can't find the others. I begin running around. Then I see the worst scene possible. Seriva is holding Robin, and I see him bleeding. Blade is taking on Slade.

"You'll pay for what you did to him!" Blade screams.

"Blade!" I yell.

She looks back at me then at Robin.

"We have to go! I'll explain everything later!" I yell

"You're not going anywhere," Slade says grabbing me.

"Run! Just go!" I yell.

"NO!" Blade yells.

Seriva grabs her and drags Robin and Blade away. Slade takes me and leaves.

'At least the others are safe.' I think.

***Blade's POV***

Seriva dragged us about a mile away, then the building exploded.

"No!" I scream.

I begin to cry. How could this happen again. I was suppose to protect him.

"Spirit, we have to get Robin back to the tower. He needs medical attention," Seriva says.

We walk away, Seriva carrying Robin. I see two other columns of smoke.

"The others," I say, almost in tears again.

"Spirit I need you to stay with me. Robin needs you. All we can do for the others is hope they had better luck than we do. All we can do is hope. We'll go to the tower and hope they're there when we get there," Seriva say.

We begin walking. It's gonna be a long walk back.

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