Chapter 2 Showing Skills

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The five new members of the Teen Titans stand in the training room looking around in awe.

"This is nice," Shiri whistles.

"There's so many options," Akita says.

"That's because they're all different people, who have different styles," Blade says flatly.

"I wonder what we're doing," Knight says.

"Good morning!" Starfire squeals.

"As some of you may have already figured out, you are the newest recruits for the Teen Titans," Cyborg says.

"Today you will be showing us what you can do," Raven says.

"Shiriken you're up first," Robin says.

Shiri walks towards the practice dummies pulling out Demon Slayer and begins slashing at the dummies. Once he's done with that he heads for the mats and begins doing flips, and moving like a ninja.

"Thank you Shiriken," Robin says.

"Call me Shiri, for short," Shiri says, walking back.

"Knight, you're up," Robin says.

"Okay first off I'd like to point out that these powers are fairly new to me. So if you could just bear with me for a bit."

Knight walks over to the open floor and holds out his hands, closing his eyes. Suddenly a ball of light appears in his hands.

"So, that's about all I know right now, but I do know I can throw it. I just don't know how, or how far," Knight explains, and then walks back.

"I would be delighted to do the teaching for you," Starfire says.

"We can set that stuff up later," Robin says, "Akita, you're up."

Akita walks to the empty floor and turns towards the team. She is then replaced by a small dog.

"That is so cool," Beast Boy exclaims.

Akita walks back and stands next to Seriva.

"Seriva, you're up," Robin says.

Servia steps forward and begins to glow.

"So I was in a terrible accident that forced me to become mostly cybernetic. I've only scratched the surface of what I can do. Right now I can glow," Seriva says, and then walks back.

"A very nice nightlight," Akita says.

"Last, but not least, Blade," Robin says.

Blade saunters forward towards the practice dummies, and slices through each one, with a different weapon each time. She then walks over to the mats and begins flipping with perfect precision.

"Okay, that's all for today. You may do as you please. Tomorrow we will give our assessments, assign you coaches, and begin your training. Some of you will need more training than the others, but don't let that get you down, it just means we're trying to get you to be the best possible hero you can be. Dismissed," Robin says.

Robin walks out of the room leaving everyone else to their own devices.

"We should tour the tower," Akita says.

Blade begins walking towards the door.

"Hey, Blade, you should join us," Shiri says.

"No. I already know where to go, and besides the medical room wants to scan me again to make sure I'm healing properly," Blade says coldly, walking out the doors and shutting them.

"Jeez! What's her problem?" Knight asks.

"We're not exactly sure," Beast Boy says.

"When we found her I felt a lot of negative energy coming off of her," Raven says.

"We're pretty sure she was abused and neglected her whole life," Cyborg says.

"She may sound mean, but she does not know what kindness is, so how can she show it?" Starfire inquires.

Teen Titans: New Beginnings (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now