Chapter 40: The Wait

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Zatara was sent back to see if he could do anything to help, but whatever he tried just made it worse. Blade would start bleeding from a new place, and the old place would reopen.

"There must be some kind of magic preventing me from healing her," Zatara says.

So we watch and we wait. Maybe she'll wake up on her own. Robin sits in the living room by the window looking out. We think he might blame himself.

Suddenly Blade begins flopping around. We go to hold her, but Zatara stops us.

"She's having a seizure. We can't do anything to help her," Zatara says, "Except maybe turn her on her side."

Zatara walks over and grabs Blade flipping her on her side. Finally the seizure passes and we all sit down. I look over at Robin and see him worriedly looking at Blade. He then goes back to watching the window.



We began to worry more after Blade had the seizure. I'm scared and worried, but all we can do is watch and wait. None of us know what happened to Blade, we can only guess and we aren't getting much of anywhere with that.

Blade has another seizure and Zatara flips her on her side again. I look back and see Robin watching intently. I wonder what he's thinking. The seizure passes and we begin to try to take our minds off of the whole situation.



Blade is now having seizures every hour. So Zatara stays beside her. Nobody wants to admit it, but we don't think she's gonna live for much longer. We watch every time she has a seizure, hoping that she doesn't die, but deep down I think we all know one of these times we're going to hear the long beep indicating her heart stopped. We hope it won't go off even though we know the possibility of it going off is high.

Batman and the others show back up. They didn't find anything. The trail is cold. We may never find Rob. Finally it sinks in and Akita runs off crying. BB and I go after her.

"Hey Akita," I say.

"We'll find Rob. I know we will," BB says.

"Yeah and we'll save Blade," I say.

"But sh-she's dy-dying," Akita cries.

BB looks at me and my eyes go to the floor. I leave the two and go to explain what's happening to Cy. I find Cy and lead him to the training room.

"What's up?" Cy says.

"What all do you know on the Rob thing?" I ask.

"He was inside the building still," Cy says, "Looks like someone dragged him out. We don't know who though. Here let me show you."

Cy takes me to what is called the over watch room. and pulls up the pics onto the screens.

"Wow," I say.

I look at it all. It looks like a big mess at first, but finally I sort it out. I look at the shoe prints. Two people were fighting. One was Rob the other was much taller. That's when I realize I recognize the shoe print.

"Deathstroke," I say angrily.

"Are you sure?" Cy questions, "Those aren't his shoe prints. At least not the ones I have seen for the past couple of years."

"Yeah," I say, "He got new boots a few weeks ago and...There!" I say pointing to the knife mark left by Shiri a few days ago, "Shiri put a knife cut in his boot right about there."

"Good eye," Cy says, "I'll tell Bats and grab Shiri and Knight. So you guys can see if you can find anything else."

Cy brings in the two boys and we begin looking through the pics finding very few clues. Some of which Bats and them had already found. We began our search for Deathstroke, hoping to find Rob in the process.

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