Chapter 26:Talk

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***Dick's POV***

We finished eating, the tension high the entire time.

"Dick," Bruce says, "We need to talk."

I follow Bruce leaving Blade to talk to Jason and Alfred.

"Who's Jason?" I ask, after we reach the Bat-cave.

"He's your adopted brother," Bruce says.

***Blade's POV***

"So Blade," Jason says, trying to start a conversation, "How do you know Dick?"

"I'm part of the Teen Titans," I say.

"Really?" Jason asks, excited, "Cool!"

"How do you know him?" I ask.

"Bruce told me about him," Jason says, "I never meet him before today."

"So your?" I ask.

"I'm his adopted brother," Jason says, "Him and I are Bruce's wards."

"Adopted sons," I say.

"Yeah," Jason says, "He saved me from the street, and Dick from being put into an orphanage."

"I know Dick's story," I say.

"You know he was part of the circus?" Jason asks, excited.

"Yeah," I say, "They were the greatest trapeze act the world had ever seen."

"I know."

"What is your story Miss Blade? If I may inquire," Alfred asks.

"I was trained, then I ran away. The Titans found me." I say.

"What about your real family? Your parents?" Jason asks.

"My real family never really loved me. My mother died when I was young, and I never want to see my father again," I say.

"Why not?" Jason asks.

"Master Jason," Alfred says, letting the boy know he's gone too far.

"It's okay Alfred," I say, "My father was never nice."

After the conversation ended, Dick and Bruce came back. I was glad, I liked Jason, but he was to inquisitive. When they walked in Dick grabbed my hand and stormed out of the house, and I followed.

We got back to the tower, no one was there. Probably on a mission. We head up to the roof.

"What happened?" I ask, after we finally reach the roof.

"He adopted someone. He replaced me," Robin says.

"You can't think that's true," I say.

"Well you saw it for yourself. Jason's his new son."

"He just wants someone there besides Alfred to keep him sane."

"How can you side with him?"

"Because you're acting like a child!"

"How would you know that? You never even had a childhood!"

I stopped, his words sinking in. After letting it sink in, a tear slides down my cheek. I turn on my heel, and head for the door.

"When you finally feel like acting civil come find me, but until then, I don't want to see you," I say over my shoulder slamming the door behind me, and running to my room.

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