Chapter 30:Missions

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***Rae's POV***

Shiri, Cy and I head out to scope out Cinder Block. He's not very smart, but we have to make sure he doesn't do any damage. We get there and Cinder Block is just sitting there. It's weird, because normally he's rampaging around trying to knock something over. Something doesn't seem right, but I can't quite place it.

***Knight's POV***

We arrive at Mad Mod's biggest company, but no one's there. It's like they knew we were coming. Something's wrong, I just can't place it yet.

***Blade's POV***

We arrive at Mister Twister's old hide out and find Robin.

"Hello Jay bird," I say.

"Hi Blade and Seriva. It's been awhile," Robin says.

Luckily Robin had been introduced to the team last week, and Rob had explained to Robin that the team had no clue that we went to Wayne Manor together. And they don't know that we are dating.

"Hello Robin," Seriva says, "Why did Rob set us with you?"

"Mister Twister does cause some problems in Gotham and we're taking him to Arkham when we catch him," Robin says.

We start looking around, but the building is completely empty. Something's wrong, I just don't know what yet.

***Rob's POV***

We get to the Puppeteer's hideout to find out what he's up to. I hide in the vents watching. Akita and BB are watching the perimeter to see if anyone shows up. I look down, but something's wrong, very wrong. All of the people the others are watching or attacking are here. Why are they here?

"Team come in," I whisper, "Team?"

Nobody answers. They've cut us off, and the others are most likely walking right into a trap. I crawl back out and grab Akita and BB running away as fast as possible.

"Dude, what's going on?" BB asks.

"The others are in danger," I say.

"They haven't called," Akita says.

"They don't know they're in danger and we can't call them to warn them. Our devices have been cut off from each other. They're all walking right into a trap," I say

"Well this day just went down hill," BB says.

"Akita you'll warn Alfa, they're at Cinder Block hide out. BB you'll warn Gama, they're blowing up Mad Mod's biggest company. I'll warn Delta," Rob says.

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