Chapter 6 Stories

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"So you girls had a sleepover during Thanksgiving, and us boys spent the night at my house?" Kight asks. "But Blade was found injured, right?"

"Yes," Seriva says.

"Did you guys tell scary stories too?" Akita says.

"Sort of," Shiri says.

"We told stories. Scary and not scary," Knight says.

"Let's hear them," Akita says.

"Hey guys come here we're gonna tell stories," Seriva says inviting Cyborg, BB, Star, and Raven over.

Robin is not in the room. They start telling stories and eventually got to the story Dick had told Cody and Raph.

"Okay so there's a story that Robin told us when we knew him as Dick," Knight says.

"Oh, do tell," Seriva and Akita say.

"It's probably something we know," BB says.

"Yeah, well it's not a true story. We'll start with that warning," Knight says.

"Let's see how'd he start?" Shiriken asks.

"He started like this. Once there was a family in the circus. They were the greatest trapeze act the world had seen," Knight says.

"They flew across the top of the big tent, like birds," Shiriken says.

Seriva and Akita look at them with excitement. Blade looks at them interested. Raven, BB, Star, and Cyborg look at each other knowing that this story is the one that Robin had told them and it's actually his back story.

"Underneath trapeze acts is a net. This family never had a net under them," Knight says.

"One day the family went up there for a night of the performance. The young boy going across as well," Shiriken says.

"For the finale, the adults, including the boy's parents went leaving the boy atop one of the landings," Knight says.

"The rope broke and the adults fell to their deaths. Leaving the boy an orphan. The boy cries from the landing for his parents," Shiriken says sadly.

"Oh no!" Akita says.

"No way this is real," Seriva says.

"The Circus master had to retrieve the boy, but make sure the boy did not see his mangled parents. Even though the boy did." Knight says.

"That isn't good," Akita says.

"The boy was soon adopted and taken from the circus. He missed it but knew that it was for the best," Shiriken says.

"That's sad," Akita says.

"Why would Robin tell such a sad story?" Seriva asks.

"Who knows," Knight says.

"Who knew he had that kind of story in him?" Seriva asks grabbing the tissues for Akita.

"We met him while he was undercover," Shiriken says.

"He wasn't so businessy and he acted like he had fun playing the games," Knight says.

"That story..." Star says.

"What about it?" Akita asks.

"We know it," Raven says quickly covering up for Star.

"So he's told it before," Knight says.

Everyone decides to walk around the tower together for a while. They eventually pass the gym, which is where Robin is at. Akita takes a quick look in skimming over Robin barley. They walk a little farther and then Akita stops and backs up looking back in the gym.

"Akita, What are you doing?" Seriva asks, whispering.

"There's someone in there," Akita says.

The others come over just in time to see Robin make a perfect landing from the bars.

"What the?" Shiriken says.

"He's so agile," Seriva says.

They walk away to Seriva's room. Raven, BB, Cyborg, Star, and Blade are in their rooms already.

"Did he learn that from Batman?" Knight asks.

"How long has he been practicing that stuff?" Akita asks.

"I don't know, but he has to have been practicing for a long time, I think," Seriva says.

"He has to have been training since he was born because even I'm not that agile," Shiri says.

"How could that happen? Batman took him in when he was nine," Knight asks.

"I don't know how it happens, I just know he has to have trained for a long time," Shiri says.

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