Chapter 16:Gun Shot

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*3rd Person POV*

The team watches as BB talks to Pearl and Cyborg.

"So who's he?" Pearl asks.

"Dick," BB says.

"No way," Cyborg says.

"Yep," BB says.

They turn to the others ready to introduce their old friend, but BB notices a little glimmer in the ceiling.

"When did we put something shining on the ceiling?" BB asks.

"We didn't," Pearl says.

BB looks back at them confused, then realizes what's up there, but before he can warn the others a gun goes off.

"Get Down!" Pearl screams.

"NO!" a girl, Blade yells.

The bullet hits her and she falls to the ground with a thump.

"Ahh!" Adina squeals.

BB, Cyborg, and Pearl look with horror at Blade, while the other just stare at her, still not figuring it all out. Blade slowly gets up as the man jumps down pointing the gun again.

"So you'd rather die first," the man says.

"I won't let you hurt them," Blade says through her teeth, clenching back the pain.

"And who are you to stop me?" the man asks.

"An old friend of theirs," Blade says, as she lunges at him, engaging in hand to hand combat.

The two begin to wrestle around, and the others watch in horror.

"Is that the old friend?" Adina asks.

"Yep," BB says.

Blade stands up after knocking the man out. Then Dick realizes something.

"Blade?" Dick asks, a little hopefully.

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