Chapter 42: The Week After

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Canary tried to get me to talk, but I just told the same story over and over. Finally she believed me.

"There's one last thing I'd like to talk to you about," Canary says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

I look at her and I can tell she's nervous.

"When you were out, you had seizures," Canary says, "Every hour on the hour. Do you know anything about that?"

I use to have seizures as a kid, but that stopped when I was six. Sometimes I use to wonder if it was because I felt like giving up.

"I use to have them when I was a kid, but they stopped years ago," I say, "I haven't had one since I was six."

I wasn't going to tell her I knew why I had them as a kid. She'd only freak out and probably never let me leave.

"Did you see anything while you were out?"

"Not that I can remember."

"Alright our session is done for today."

I walk out and bump into Akita.

"Oh I'm sorry," Akita says.

Akita looks at me and smiles.

"Are you okay?" Akita asks.

"I'm fine," I say.

I try to walk off, but she grabs my wrist. I turn around and forcefully take my hand back. Akita looks scared, so I look down. Then I look back at her. I run, I just run. I go to the rooftop and sit at Rob and I's spot. I cry, I just let it all out.

I wish they knew. I wish I could tell them, but it would get them killed. If they knew they'd look at me differently, they'd treat me differently. I want to tell someone. I want to let it all out, but I know I have to keep it in. I have to be strong. I can't let anyone find out about my secrets. I sit up there for a long while losing track of time and accidently missing one of my sessions with Canary. That's when I hear it. The team screaming my name, looking all over the tower for me, but I stay put. I know my eyes are puffy and red. I don't want them to look at me with pity or ask any questions.

Eventually they give up and I hear someone.

"She'll come out when she's ready," Zatara says.

"I ran into her after her last session and she looked ... I don't know different," Akita says.

"Maybe she was upset about something," Seriva says.

They were near the roof entrance. Eventually they all left. Later BB came up, probably looking for some peace from the others.. He spots me sitting there by the air conditioner unit.

"Hey," BB says, "I found you."

"I could hear you guys, but I didn't want to come out," I say.

"I understand. It's peaceful up here."

"Why'd you come up here?"

"I was trying to get away from the chaos you made. Why are you up here?"

"Trying to get a clear mind. I'm hoping I'll remember something, anything. How did you know about this thinking spot?"

"I found Rob up here once. He was pacing. This was always his thinking spot. how'd you know?"

"He brought me up here after I came back from the future."

"He's never willingly led anyone up here. I accidently found it cause he left the door open."

We talked for a few hours then heard the team yelling for me again. Then they started yelling for BB.

"This is the best talk I've had. Talking to Canary feels so unrealistic and like she's judging me," I say.

"Well I'm glad it made you feel better," BB says.

He stands up and offers me his hand. I take it and stand.

"We should probably go back down before they murder us with their screaming," BB says.

I laugh and we head back down. I lead BB to the vents and we climb until we get to the practice room. No one is there, but we can still hear our friends. We jump down and begin to spar. Acting like we were there the whole time. Seriva walks in looking mad, then sees us.

"You two are so dead!" Seriva says.

She begins chasing us and we run around the tower until Seriva runs right into Bats. BB and I stop and turn around. We laugh and fall to the floor. The others run in and see a quit stunned Seriva and BB and I laughing.

"Should we ask?" Star asks.

"What happened?" Cy asks.

"Seriva found us in the training room and started chasing us. She ran right into Batman," BB says.

"I checked the training room," Knight says.

"You didn't check when we were in there," BB says.

"Is she laughing?" Shiri asks pointing to me.

"Clearly she's laughing," Raven says.

"Yeah, but I haven't seen her laugh in a long time," Shiri says.

They stare at me, so I stop.

"What?" I ask, still laying on the floor.

"You haven't been happy in a while," Shiri says.

"So what?" I ask, "Are you the party police?"

"No just pointing it out," Shiri says.

"Good cause then I'd have to chase you. Make you have fun for once," I say.

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