Chapter 9:Too Many Bad Days

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Every day was the same thing, and missions were fun, but they split up into groups because there's so many of them. And every day Blade is mad.

"Okay, what is wrong with that girl?" Knight asks.

"Bad day," Akita says.

"If it is, there have been too many bad days," Shiri says.

"She had a horrible childhood," Seriva says, looking at Blade.

The team became worried, especially when Blade started to get into a fight with Robin every day.

"Where are you going?" Robin asks.

"Nowhere," Blade says.

"Really?" Robin says.

"You don't need to know where I'm at," Blade says.

"I'm team leader," Robin says.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make you my babysitter! You can't control everyone!" Blade yells, slamming her bedroom door.

"Shesh," Knight says.

"Could they be any louder?" Seriva asks.

"Probably," Raven says.

Blade walks back out with a bag in her hands.

"I may not be your babysitter or whatever, but you are my responsibility so I have to know where you are going," Robin says.

"I'm going somewhere and you're not following. If you do I'll never come back," Blade says walking out the tower.

Robin stays at the tower, going to the training room, and taking his anger out on the dummy.

"What did that dummy do to you?" Akita asks.

Robin hangs his head, knowing it's not good to be caught taking your anger out when you're trying to teach the new guys it's not okay to do that.

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