Chapter 28:Why?

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***It's been a few days since the visit to Batman. 3rd person POV***

The team had soon realized that Blade was avoiding being in the same room as Robin since the day he visited Batman.

"Where's Blade?" Akita asks.

"Blade is avoiding Robin," Raven says.

"Why?" Seriva asks.

"I don't know," Raven says.

"Maybe they got into a fight," Shiri suggested.

"I hope not," Knight says.

"Yeah, they were starting to finally get along," BB says.

"Wonder what started it this time," Cy contemplates.

"Whatever Robin's mad about," Akita asked.

"Maybe we should ask friend Robin," Star suggests.

"You don't have to. Robin told me what he's mad about," BB says.

"What is he so mad about then," Cy asks.

"Something about his mentor," BB says.

"Batman," Seriva says.

"Also something about an adopted brother," BB says.

"Batman must've adopted another boy," Shriken says.

"And Robin probably feels like Batman has replaced him," Knight says.

"But why would that make friend Spirit mad at him?" Star asks.

"Who knows," BB says.

"Maybe he took his anger out on her accidentally," Knight says.

"She's definitely mad, but she's also sad. Whatever he said made her mad and sad," Raven says.

"What?" Shiriken asks.

"I can read emotions when I touch someone," Rae says.

"What would make her mad and sad?" Akita asks.

"No idea," Star says.

"Only Robin knows that. He's the only one she ever trusted with anything," Cy says.

"Let's go ask him," Seriva says.

"Hey Robin," BB says.

"Hi BB," Robin says.

"What would make Blade mad and sad?" Akita asks.

"I don't know," Robin says.

Seriva sees Blade almost enter the room, then turn around and walk away. She decides to follow her.

"What did you say to her?" Cy asks.

"I don't know," Robin answers.

"How do you not know?" Raven asks.

"I was yelling about Batman, and I don't remember everything I said, because I was to caught up in my own thoughts," Robin says.

***Seriva's POV***

I followed Blade to the door to her room.

"Blade," I say.

"Seriva," Blade says surprised.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure," She says opening her room door and waving me to come in.

Her room was not what I expected. I thought it would be like Raven's room, but darker. Instead her room was teal.

"What do you want to talk about?" Blade asks, tearing me away from my thoughts.

"You," I answer.


"You're mad at Robin."

"Yeah, and? It's normal isn't it?"

"It's like it was. We never wanted that."

"I know."

"What could've possibly upset you so much?"

"Something he said."

"What did he say?"

"Maybe you should ask him."

"He doesn't remember. I heard him tell the others."

"He was yelling about how he felt that Batman had replaced him."


"He thought I was siding with Batman."

"Were you?"

"Yes, but only because he was being childish about the whole thing."

"What did he say?"

"He asked me, 'How would you know that? You never even had a childhood!'"

"What?! Oh he is so dead!"

Seriva grabs my arm, leading me to the living room.

***3rd person***

Everyone is in the living room. They look back when they hear footsteps.

"Seriva," Cy says.

Then they see Blade.

"Blade!" BB says.

Seriva stops in front of Robin, pulling Blade next to her.

"Robin," Seriva growls.

"She's pissed," Knight says.

"No dip," Shiriken says.

"What did I to you?" Robin asks.

"Not me," Seriva says, pulling Blade closer to her.

"Blade," Robin says.

"Is Seriva gonna punch Robin?" Knight asks.

"I don't think so," Rae says.

"Apologize, NOW!" Seriva yells.

"I don't even remember what I did," Robin admits.

"Seriva, you really don't have to do this," Blade says.

"Who else will, you have to stick up for yourself," Seriva says.

"Blade what did I do?" Robin asks.

"The only words I want to hear out of your mouth to her is a very long apology," Seriva says.

"Crap, What did he do?" Knight asks.

"You were ranting on the roof, and I was up there," Blade says.

"I remember that, I just don't remember what I said," Robin says.

"You asked her if she was siding with Batman. Does that ring a bell?" Seriva asks.

"I told you I was because you were being childish," Blade says.

"And guess what you said?" Seriva asks angrily.

"You asked 'How would you know that? You never even had a childhood!'" Spirit says.

***Robin's POV (from point above)***

I was shell shocked. I couldn't speak, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I can't believe I'd ever say that. The rest of the teams jaws are hanging open, they're a little shocked too.

"Rob.....Why?" BB asks.

"I don't know. I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot," Rob says.

"You think," Seriva says, still angry.

"How can I make it up to you?" Rob asks.

"I don't know," Blade says.

"I don't even know where to start," Rob says, "I'm sorry."

"Thank you," Blade says.

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