Chapter 43: No Time

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***Blade's Pov***

"I will meet you only once a week now, and you are cleared for the field. Even if Batman isn't happy about it," BC says.

I stand up, and we hug.

"I'll see you every Friday at 3. Don't be late," BC says.

"I won't," I say.

I walk out of the room and BB is there like always. Akita is there this time.

"How'd it go?" BB asks.

"I'm cleared for the field," I say.

"Probably only patrol duty until Bats says so," Akita says.

"I understand that. I'm just glad she's finally letting me do something," I say.

"All of us are tired of just sitting around," BB says.

"Let's go tell the others, and celebrate," Akita says.

"That'll make their day," I say.

We begin walking to the living room. Everybody's been keeping themselves in the living room hoping for news on Rob. We've had a few leads, but every single one was a dead end.

"Anything you want to talk about before we get in there?" BB asks.

We had told Akita that it helped talking to friends, so she finally got to be here today. BB and Akita are the only ones who know.

"Maybe meet on the rooftop later," I say.


A few weeks later Bats decides to let us patrol in pairs. He keeps me with at least two people normally. Except one day it's just Seriva and me.

"How have you been handling all of this?" Seriva asks, "I mean you did have to take it all in in less than two hours."

"It was pretty rough at first, but now it just feels like any other day except for the fact that Rob is missing," I say.

We sat in silence for a while, until we heard a noise. We moved toward the abandoned building and I saw the portal. The one that would take Seriva to the future, to the truth. I knew I couldn't let her go to the future. I couldn't let her tell the team that there's a spy in our midst, because that's what tore them apart in the first place. I wouldn't let that happen ever again. I wasn't going to let Dick die again.

Seriva reached the portal and I grabbed her.

"Don't go through. Who ever put it there is probably long gone or it's a trap," I lied.

I hated lying, but it was the only way to save my friends. We head back to the tower and tell them what happened. Then the whole team goes back to investigate, and the portal was closed. I knew I changed the timeline, but was it for the better? I may never know. Like Dick said I was dead in his future. Am I still dead in the future now? Did I just sentence everyone I hold dear to an early grave because I didn't let Seriva go?

My mind raced with so many questions. Eventually we left the building finding nothing.

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