Chapter 35: Love

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Knight and Star
During the time Blade was missing in the future

I knew Star was hurting, and I didn't know what to say. We hung out more and she got to just talk forever. Which I don't mind. I love it when she speaks her mind.

"I wish that we could do more over sleeps, but I do not think the others will think it's a good idea," Star says, "What do you think?"

"Well it's not that great of an idea, because you know, Deathstroke kinda attacked last time. But it would be nice to have one normal day where we can all just hang out and not have to fear for our lives," I say.

"I wish Blade were here. Do you think she might be?"

"I don't know Star. I hope she's alive, but we really don't know."

"Thank you for being an amazing friend."

"You're welcome."

Star began to ramble more and more, getting more worried by the second. So I grab her face and kiss her. She closes the kiss and we separate.

"You don't need to worry. I won't leave. You'll always have me."

Star hugs me and we kiss again.

BB and Akita
Before the Pizza run, After the first Pop Quiz

I began to have feelings for Akita, but I tried hiding them because Raven broke my heart and I don't think I could go through that again.

"Hey BB," Akita says, running up to me.

"Slow down! Are you running from something?"

"No, I was just wondering if maybe we could practice."

She was definitely out of breath, and I just couldn't say no.

"Of course. Let's go to the training room."

We get there and begin practice. Akita has been getting better lately, enough to where she can actually put up a fight against me. We finish and I decide to give her a few pointers.

"Ok, so a few things to work on. Your stance, how fast you change into the animal of choice and focus."


She gets closer to me and kisses me. I close the kiss and then we separate.

"I'm sorry," She says sheepishly.

I grab her and kiss her gently. She closes the kiss, and I know I'm in love.

Cy and Seriva
After bombing

I was scared. Nobody knew that I was scared. What happened could have been a lot worse. Rob and Blade could have died. We all could have died. I saw the look on Blade's face when she woke up after returning from the future, she was scared. Something bad had happened in the future and she wouldn't tell us what, but I knew it was bad.

Cy tried to comfort me, but I don't know if it'll ever work.

"Hey," Cy says.

I have barely talked since the incident, and Cy tries not to say too much, even though we both know he wants to say anything to make me feel better.

Then it happened he got me to talk.

"You want to talk about what's bothering you?"

I shake my head no.

"You can't just keep it bottled up. You have to tell someone. Promise me you'll tell someone."

"We could have died," I cry.

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