Chapter 21:Living Room Talk

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We enter the living room and sit down.

"Where did you go?" Star asks.

"I went through a portal," I say

"We saw that," Akita says.

"The portal took me ten years into the future," I say.

"What?" Seriva asks bewildered.

"I got to see you guys, you were older," I say.

"What was I doing?" Knight asks excitedly.

"You were... traveling," I say a little unsure.

"Maybe you shouldn't tell us everything," Robin says.

"Well if I get this right, none of what happened in that future should happen," I say.

"How bad was the future?" Cyborg asks.

"Pretty bad," I say.

"So we save the future," Knight says.

"How?" Shiriken asks.

"First, no one leaves this team. Ever," I say.

"Wait we weren't together?" Akita asks.

"No, and I had so much fun bringing you all back together," I say.

"Ugg," Raven says.

"We have to protect Jump City," I say.

"We already do that," Star says.

"I know," I say.

"But we didn't in the future, I guess," BB says.

"We need to beat the person who took over in the future," I say.

"And that would be?" Seriva asks.

"Slade," I say.

"Oh, fun," Shiriken says.

"He's the one enemy we all have in common," Knight says.

"Is that it?" Raven asks.

"One more thing promise me you'll all be safe," I say looking at each of them sadly.

The others nod at me. I think they can see the pain I felt in the future.

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