Chapter 45: Patrol

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***3rd POV***

Everyone stands in the living room waiting. They figured it's be best to have Bats in charge of assigning patrol teams for now since he knows who he needs where to help find Rob.

"Alright," Bats says, "Patrolling uptown Jump City is Shiri, and Aqualad. Downtown Cyborg and Speedy. Middle Akita and Beast Boy. East is Raven and Starfire. West is Más y menos and Bumblebee. Gotham is Robin and Blade. The rest of you will stay here."

"Why Gotham?" Blade asks Robin quietly.

"The bad guy can't think that we left and aren't returning. He also doesn;'t trust the others to handle this without freaking out." Robin answers.

"Great," Blade says, "Lead the way."

*In Gotham*

***Blade's POV***

I was hoping no one would have to be roped into my plan. I don't want to have to lie to anyone. As we reach the middle of the city my anonymous tip is sent to Batman. I hear Robin's communicator go off. I already know what it is.

"It's Bats," Robin says, "He found something on Rob."

"You want to go with him?" I ask hoping he would.

"I do, but I can't leave you. As much as I would love to help save my brother, you need me here."

"I can handle myself. You should go."

"It's probably another dead end."

"And what if it isn't? Hmm?"

"That means Bats could be getting himself into trouble."

"So who needs you more? I can call someone to come and wait here for them."

"Bats needs me more. Do you want to come along?"

"And let bad guys think they can run this town? No, I'm good. I can see him when you bring him home. Besides we don't want anyone else catching on to our little secret do we?"

"I guess not. Be safe Blade."

"I will."

Robin runs off. I hate lying to him. I'm about to get into serious trouble and they're heading in the opposite direction. I stand up and hit my communicator on the channel I know Robin is no longer on. One more lie. More people on a list of I'm sorry's that might not ever understand.

"It's Blade," I say, "Robin said Bats found something. I want to keep patrolling Gotham, but I figured I should wait for someone. Can someone come over?"

"Yeah," Seriva answers, "Let me see."

A few minutes later I hear Seriva's voice come through. There's so many things I want to say that I can't. That's why I wrote it down. This is harder than I thought. I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen. Will you ever forgive me? Have I gone too far?

"I'm sending Argent your way," Seriva says, "Just sit tight."

Oh God. No! My first friend. The one that's cared the longest. Could I do this to her? Can I let her think it's her fault? That she could have been faster?

I have to. This is my only chance to save them. I'm so sorry. I wish I didn't have to lay this burden on you two. I wish you didn't have to feel like it's your fault.

" Great" I say.

I wait a few beats. I know my whole world will change once the words leave my lips. But I have to do this. They have to live. I left my side on.

"Hey," Seriva says, "You're still on did you need something?"

I almost stoped my whole plans. I wanted to run back into their arms again. I wanted them to comfort me. But I have to control the situation. I'm the only one that can save the future now.

"I think I heard something," I say, the words that change everything, "Somebody's here."

"Just hold on," Argent says. "I've just entered Gotham. Where are you?"

"Wayne tower," I say, "Oh God!"

Flip around making noises making it sound like there's a fight.

"It's...." I say, hitting the nails into my own coffin, "I'm sorry."

And I make the line go dead. I take my communicator off leaving it on Wayne Tower. They won't find me until it's too late. I leave and head for Slade's lair. I have to save Rob. I'll take his place if I have to.

A/N: Well two chapters in the same day isn't strange at all, right? Also sorry for this heart wrenching part.

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