Chapter 14:Raven and Knight

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*Blade's POV*

We arrived at an old broke down building, and walk inside. We head for a room and open the door. Inside it's white, and there is Raven.

"Raven," Keji says.

"Keji, Beast Boy, Adina," Raven says.

"We need your help," BB says.

"With what?" Raven asks

"We are trying to get the team back together," Keji says.

"Why?" Raven asks.

"Someone needs our help," Adina says.

"So? We aren't heroes anymore," Raven says, "They need to find someone else."

"It's our duty," Keji says.

"Not anymore," Raven says.

"Please Raven," Adina says.

"Who needs our help?" Raven asks, "We can't even help ourselves."

"An old friend," BB says.

"How old of a friend?" Raven asks.

"We knew this person ten years ago," BB says.

"Then shouldn't they know we aren't a team anymore?" Raven asks.

"Exactly what I said, but they said they went and talked to Seriva and Cyborg, so they know," BB says.

"Please Rae, we need everyone," Keji pleaded.

"Fine! I'll help," Raven says.

"Yes," Adina says.

"Keji?" a voice asks.

We turn around to see Cody, aka Knight, standing there. The hope that has always been there glimmered even brighter at the sight of Keji and the others together.

"Cody?" Keji asks.

"Yeah. I've been looking for you everywhere dude," Cody says.

"We are trying to get the old team back together," Keji says.

"I'll help where I can, but I do have a few questions," Cody says.

"I can answer them," BB says.

"First, why are you trying to get the team back together?" Cody asks.

"An old friend needs our help," BB says.

"How long ago did we know them?" Cody asks.

"Ten years ago," BB says.

"Who?" Cody asks.

"I'll tell everyone when we're all together, that way I don't have to repeat myself," BB says.

"Okay, who else do we need?" Cody asks.

"Robin and Starfire. Seriva and Cyborg are already on board, they just can't leave the tower right now," BB says.

We leave and begin looking for Star and Robin. I'm glad that he's last. I want to apologize, but I don't even know where to start.

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