Chapter 7:Pizza Place

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It's been three weeks since telling stories.

"We have decided you guys need a break," BB says.

"So we're all going out to eat," Cyborg says.

"Yes," Knight and Akita say.

"Wait what about Robin?" Seriva says.

"He's coming too," Raven says.

"Ugg," Seriva and Akita say.

"Do not worry," Star says.

"He promised to not be all business while we're out," BB says.

They leave heading for the pizza place. Four of the new members are excited. They get to see the city, or, in the case of Knight and Shiri, they get to see a part of the city they hadn't been to yet. Blade seems to be glad to be out of the tower.

"Let's hope you guys' first day out doesn't end as bad as ours did," Raven says.

Four of them look at her scarred and Blade looks at her interested. Then go back to looking out the window. Seriva rolls down the window.

"Roll that window back up, please. I have super smell, meaning I can smell all the disgusting smells out there," Akita says.

"Okay," Seriva says slowly rolling up the window.

"There's the Pizza place," BB says.

"Yay," Akita, Shiriken, Knight, and Seriva say together.

Seriva has stopped rolling up the window. Akita can smell the pizza, and it smells better than whatever she was smelling earlier.

"Never mind, keep the window open," Akita says, making everyone laugh.

They find a quiet place to sit and order food. The day goes well and they head back to the tower.

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