Chapter 11:What Happened

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*Blade's POV*

When I appeared, the place was trashed. So I walk outside and the city looked like it has been through hell and back. I decide to go back to the tower, maybe someone there has answers. When I arrive the tower looks abandoned, ruined.

"What happened here?" I ask myself.

I run to the living room tripping on wires and falling.

"Who's there?" a male voice asks, I begin to slowly get up.

"He asked you a question," a girl's voice says from behind me, putting something against my back.

"I could ask you the same question," I say, reaching my arm back carefully.

I then grab the weapon and try to throw it. I wind up throwing the girl into the guy. They get up and run into the light, and I sort of recognize them.

"Where'd you go?" the man asks.

"Cyborg? Seriva?" I ask.

"How!?" Seriva asks, a little startled.

I step out and the two gasp.

"Blade?" Seriva asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"How are you so young?" Cyborg asks.

Just then they hear a small beep.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's you," Seriva says.

"Robin put trackers in all of our coms, to protect us if we ever got kidnapped," Cyborg says.

"Yours hasn't been on in years," Seriva says.

"I don't understand. How long have I been gone?" I ask.

"Ten years," Cyborg says.

"No!" I say, "Where's everyone else?"

"Losing you hit us pretty hard, and Robin finally told us what had happened to a girl they were protecting. It's why he was always so hard on us," Seriva says.

"We were protecting her and we lost her," Cyborg says.

"It had hit Robin the hardest because he had gotten along with that girl so well, the whole team loved her. And they lost her. They eventually found her, but it was too late," Seriva says.

"She was dead," Cyborg says.

"But Robin did admit they never found the body they only found so much blood," Seriva says.

"That much blood loss would kill anyone," Cyborg says, "We failed that girl."

"But..." I say.

"What?" Seriva asks.

"That doesn't answer my question," I say trying to cover up the fact that I knew that story all too well.

"The team broke up," Seriva says.

"They all went their own ways," Cyborg says.

"What about you two?" I ask.

"We stayed here for three reasons," Seriva says.

"One, they don't have good enough tech to sustain us," Cyborg says.

"Two, we fell in love," Seriva says, grabbing Cyborg's hand.

"Three, we kind of hoped you would turn up one day," Cyborg says.

"Wow," I say.

"Keji went back to where ever he came from," Seriva says.

"Raven disappeared," Cyborg says.

"Adina went to a zoo and never returned," Seriva says.

"BB joined the circus," Cyborg says.

"Cody went looking for Keji," Seriva says.

"Star travels around. She couldn't leave Earth," Cyborg says.

"Robin, who knows what happened to him," Seriva says.

"I have to find them, all of them. This team can't fall apart, and I need everyone's help," I say.

"Good luck," Cyborg says.

"We'd come with, but we can't leave the tower," Seriva says, hugging me.

I leave, determined to find my friends. I find BB at the circus first.

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