Chapter 5 Medical Wing Wakeup

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The first to wake up was Knight. He starts freaking out, then realizes the others are in the same room as him. He then realizes he's in the medical wing, Robin is fast asleep on the couch, and Blade is nowhere to be found. Knight walks over and tries to hit Robin, but Robin grabs his hand and flips him putting his hand up to Knight's neck.

"It's me! It's me!" Knight says.

"Oh, don't worry. I know very well who it is" Robin says sitting up, "Never try to hit someone in their sleep especially if you don't know what they can do, and if you don't know if they're actually pretending to sleep to see what you'll do."

"You're creepy," Knight says, "What happened?"

"You all failed at the test," Robin says.

"What test?" Knight says.

"The pop quiz to see how much you guys knew about teaming up and finding an enemy who disappears in shadows and moves around quietly," Robin says, "It looks like even the original members need practice."

"Oh, fun," Knight says, "So, how long till they wake up?"

"A few minutes," Robin says.

"Where's Blade?" Knight asks.

"She passed, sort of," Robin says.

At that Akita wakes up and freaks out. Knight walks over to her.

"Hey, hey. It's okay," Knight says.

"Knight?" Akita asks.

Knight nods his head.

"I thought we were goners," Akita says.

Robin walks over and says, "You would have been if it was anyone else in that room."

"You scared us," Akita says pointing a finger at him.

"I know. It's part of how you learn," Robin says.

BB wakes up and jumps off the bed ready to hit anyone who would try to hurt him.

"If I was going to hurt you, I would've strapped you down," Robin says.

"Robin," BB says.

"Yep," Robin says.

"Don't ever do that again," BB says, "Knight? Akita?"

"Yeah," They say.

"You're okay?" BB asks.

"They wouldn't be if it was anyone else who was taking people," Robin says.

"True," BB says.

"Is this why you guys get into fights?" Knight asks.

"Does he pull this kind of stuff all the time?" Akita asks.

"He use to back when we first started. Trust me it helps. We use to be on edge every time he disappeared," BB says.

"He use to disappear, for fun?" Knight asks.

"No," BB says.

Robin has walked away to check on the others. Seriva wakes up and Akita goes to her.

"Hey, hey it's okay. You're alright," Akita says.

"Akita?" Seriva asks.

"Yeah," Akita says.

"You're okay!" Seriva says hugging her, "Knight, BB you two are okay too?"

"Yeah," they say, walking over to her.

"You all wouldn't have been okay if it was anyone else in that room taking you guys," Robin says.

"Can I hit him?" Seriva asks.

"No. He's just trying to help," BB says.

Starfire wakes up, putting a ball of light in her hand.

"Star it's okay," Akita says running to her, the others following behind.

"You are okay?" Starfire asks.

"Yes we're fine," Akita says.

"Just a little pain," Knight says.

Raven and Shiri both wake up almost killing each other.

"Aaaah!"Akita yells.

"Sorry," Raven says.

"Don't be you two were ready to kill whoever took you," Robin says.

"I'm not sorry for being prepared. I'm sorry for scaring the crap out of the new kids," Raven says.

Cyborg wakes up almost smacking BB in the head, but Akita grabs BB and pulls him out of the way.

"That was too close," BB says.

"You guys are okay?" Cyborg asks.

"Meeting in the living room. Now!" Robin says as he walks out the door.

"Is he always this bossy?" Seriva asks.

"He is now. When we first started he wasn't this bad," BB says.

They head to the living room. Robin and Blade are waiting for them.

"Let's sit down," Robin says.

They sit in the chairs around the kitchen table.

"You all need more practice with sticking together," Robin says.

"Did you have to knock us out?" Knight asks.

"Yes, so that you wouldn't make any noise to show the others where you were," Robin says.

"When will we use this training?" Akita asks.

"When you're out on missions. You never know if anyone's hiding somewhere," Robin says.

"Now you guys could have been killed. If that wasn't me in the room, if it was someone else, you all would've been captured or killed," Robin says.

"If it wasn't you. Nobody's going to attack the tower," Seriva says.

"Exactly what we thought when we started," Raven says.

"Someone has attacked us here," Starfire says.

"Even the original members need to relearn this, but I'm not going to warn you when I do this again," Robin says standing up, "Remember stick together. Blade you need to learn to share and work with others. Dismissed."

"He's bossy," Akita says.

"You think?" Shiri asks.

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