Chapter 17:Blade?

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*Blade's POV*

I finally knock out the guy, but I feel a little woozy from the gunshot.

"Blade?" Dick asks, a little hopeful.

I turn around and look at my old friends, older maybe, but still my friends.

"Ow," I say, "You know gunshots hurt."

"You think!" Pearl says.

"What were you thinking?" BB says.

"I was thinking I have to save them," I say, "Dick I'm sorry for leaving without telling you where I was going."

"You're alive?" Adina asks.

"Barely. I like to call my experience time travel," I say, and begin coughing.

"Are you okay?" Cody asks as Dick grabs me before I fall.

"I'm peachy," I say sarcastically, "It hurts!"

"Sorry," Cody apologizes.

"So we're helping Blade do what exactly?" Keji asks.

"Not get shot?" Rae suggests.

"Haha, very funny," I say.

"We have to help her get back to ten years ago," BB says, "It's the only way to make sure none of this happens."

"So you just time traveled?" Cody asks, "You didn't die?"

"I'm very much alive," I say.

"Except for the fact that you've been shot," Pearl says.

"Yeah, one more thing, because you won't know this back then anytime soon," I say, standing up, "I can heal myself and I can hear your thoughts."

"Really?" Cody asks, a little excited.

"Yep, you're thinking about how cool it is to have mind-reading powers and you're wondering if I can hear what you're thinking right now," I say to Cody, "By the way pizza, really?"

"She's right," Cody says.

"That power can be used against you," Dick says.

"I know, that's exactly why I never told you guys," I say.

"Nice," Pearl says.

"One more thing," I say, "I finally decided you should know who I am. Especially after what Pearl told me."

"What did Pearl tell you?" Adina asks.

"What Robin had told the team after I went missing. The girl they lost and hearing how much they cared about her, and how much they miss her," I say.

"That half explains it," Rae says.

"You were protecting a girl, and then one day she was gone. You never found the body," I say.

"Only blood," Dick says, "We felt as though we had let her down. We lost a girl, a kid our own age. It hit us all pretty hard."

"Because you were so close to her," Pearl finished.

"What does that have to do with this again?" Cody asks.

I take off my mask and say, "Because my real name is Tori, and I'm the girl you lost. I didn't die. The man who kidnapped me wanted you to think that."

The team was silent for a few moments.

"Who kidnapped you?" Cyborg blurted.

"A man I had hoped to never see again," I say, "My father."

"We were protecting you from your own dad?" BB asks.

"Yes," I say.

"And your dad is?" Star asks.

I take a deep breath, and debate with myself till finally, I say, "Slade Wilson."

The team had looks of bewilderment and surprise on their face. They were shocked, to say the least.

"I never wanted to tell you, because I thought it would make you treat me differently," I say, then Adina and Pearl hug me.

"Who knew Slade had a kid?" Cody asks.

"Who knew we were protecting you?" BB asks.

"Who knows what he did to you?" Cyborg asks.

"I knew, and you don't need to know what my father did to me," I say.

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