Chapter 33: Wake Up

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***3rd person POV***

Place: Titan Tower

Time: one week after attack

The team waits around for Seriva and Robin to wake up. They're the only ones who know where Rob and Blade are. It's been a week since the whole incident and Rob and Blade are still missing. Seriva and Robin are still asleep. Then Seriva's heart rate picks up, catching the team's attention.

"Is she okay?" Akita asks.

"I don't know," Cy admits.

Suddenly Seriva bolts up and screams, "Blade!"

The room echos, and the other just look at Seriva surprised.

"Seriva," Akita says.

"Akita," Seriva says, hugging her.

"Are you okay?" Cy asks.

"I think so," Seriva says.

She then looks around the room seeing Robin, but Blade is nowhere in sight.

"Wait where's Blade?" Seriva asks.

"We were hoping you could tell us," BB says.

"Do you remember the last place you saw her?" Knight asks.

"We were pretty close to here when we got jumped. She told me to run, because Robin needed medical attention," Seriva says.

"This isn't your fault, we'll find her," Rae says.

"We will find Friend Rob and Friend Blade soon," Star tries to comfort her.

"Tell us the story form when you got to you designated spot," Shiri says.

"We get to Mister Twister's old hide out and find Robin. We begin looking around, but no one's there. It was odd. Mister Twister always had someone guarding his old hideouts in case someone came to check it out. We entered one of the rooms and Slade attacked us," Seriva says.

"Slade is so gonna die," Knight says.

"So we fight him. He takes out Robin and I go to him to try to slow the bleeding. Blade begins to fight Slade. I think she's little crazy. Then Rob shows up yelling that we have to leave immediately," Seriva says.

"So he got to you guys just in time," Shiri guesses.

"Slade grabbed Rob and Rob told us to run, but Blade wanted to try to save him. I knew Rob could handle himself so I threw Robin over my shoulder and grabbed Blade. I practically dragged her away. We went to the hill about two miles away and stopped," Seriva says, "Then the building blew up."

"Rob?" BB asks.

"I don't know if he made it out," Seriva admits.

"No," Robin says.

We realize that he's sitting up, and has been listening for some time.

"What happened to Blade?" Knight asks.

"We got jumped pretty close to here. I dropped Robin, and Blade defended my back. Someone eventually got the jump on me knocking me to the ground. I don't remember much after that," Seriva explains.

"What do you remember?" Robin asks.

"Blade told me to take you and run. I did, after trying to get her to come with. She said she'd hold them off. I left her alone, and she was bleeding," Seriva says, beginning to cry.

"So we lost Rob and Blade?" BB says, sadly.

"Yeah," Seriva says.

"It's not fair! Why us? Why our friends and family?" Akita half yells.

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