Chapter 15:Star and Robin

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*Blade's POV*

We walked around Jump City for a while before stopping.

"We may never find the other two," Adina says.

"Beast Boy? Rae?" a female voice came from the house beside them.

"Star?" Rae asks.

"It's so good to see you," Star says as she pulls Rae into a hug.

"We need your help Star," BB says as Star hugs him.

"With what?" Star asks.

"We are trying to get the team back together," BB says.

"Why?" Star asks.

"An old friend needs our help," BB says.

"How long ago did we know them?" Star asks.

"Ten years ago," BB says

"I'll help," Star says, "Just one more thing, are they Keji, Cody, and Adina?"

"Yeah," BB says.

Star runs over and hugs them, happy to see them again.

"Where's Seriva?" Star asks.

"The tower," Adina says.

"We better get a move on. There's a reason there's a curfew here," Star says.

We begin to walk again, but the others get attacked. They begin to fight, but they haven't worked together in so long it's not going to work.

"I told you," Star says.

I decide it's time to show them who they're fighting for. It's the only way to save them, but before I can make my move, someone else jumps out. The mysterious man takes out most of them, but the others run.

"You should really listen to curfew, and leave the fighting to the professionals," the man says.

"Who are you?" Knight asks.

"I'm Nightwing," Nightwing says.

"Dick?" Star asks.

Nightwing quickly turns around and sees his old friends. The old team. Well most of them anyway.

"Star, Rae, Beast Boy, Cody, Keji, and Adina?" Dick asks.

"Yeah," They answer.

"What are you all doing?" Dick asks.

Seeing Dick again made me happier. My hope to make sure this never happens raised more than ever.

"We are trying to get the old team back together," Rae says.

"Why?" Dick asks, "It didn't work back then."

"An old friend needs our help," Knight says.

"How long ago did we know them?" Dick asks.

"Ten years ago," BB says, "We have to get to the tower. We'll talk there."

"Come with us Nightwing," Adina says.

"I'll come," Nightwing says.

We leave and head for the tower. When we arrive the reunions get a little teary.

"Pearl?" Adina asks when she sees a figure in the living room.

"Adina," Pearl says as she hugs Adina.

The two begin to cry. Then Pearl sees the others, hugging the girls, and shaking the boy's hands.

"Vic?" BB asks seeing another figure.

"Gar!" Cyborg says as he pulls BB into a bro hug.

"It's good to see you," BB says.

"I didn't think this could ever happen," Cyborg says, "We're all in one place again, and it's in the titan tower."

"Well, you didn't give us much of a choice," BB laughs.

"So who are we helping?" Rae asks.

Pearl and Cyborg look at each other than BB. BB whispers the plan that was made by him and Blade that way they wouldn't have to explain it over and over. As they talk I notice a figure on the ceiling, so I climb up. It's a man, and he has a gun pointed at Nightwing. He pulls the safety, then places his finger on the trigger, pulling it.

"NO!" I scream jumping in front of the shot.

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