Chapter 46: Empty?

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A/N: I keep thinkimg. I'm so scared to put these chapters up because then this is over. There's two more books, but even then, once I've finished them, it's over. This story will finally have a concrete ending and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. This story has been a part of my life for so long. It kept, and the ideas for it kept me company for so long. It was my escape from some things I'm not ready to talk about just yet.

***Robin's POV***

I called Bats and let him know what was going on and that I'd meet him there. Once I get there I see him walking towards me.

"Hi," I say, "Anything?"

"It's empty," He says.

"Empty? No! But..."

"We just have to keep looking."

"I was so sure this time."

Our coms beeped. The team.

"This is Batman go ahead," Bats said.

We hear crying and panting. What is going on?

"Breathe," Batman says, "Whatever it is breathe and then talk."

"Blade," Seriva cries.

My heart drops. No. She has to be okay. She just has to.

"She's not here," Argent says, out of breath.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

This can't be happening. Please be okay.

"She was taken," Argent says, "Looks like she put up a fight. There's a lot of blood."

"Taken?" I ask.

"Do we know who took her?" Bats asks.

He turns to me and motions to get in the car. I walk over and sit. I'm shaking. She can't be gone. This is all my fault. This is all my fault.

"Hey," Bats says to me, "I need you to stay with me. I need you here."

"We don't know who took her," Seriva says.

"I don't even know which way they went after the fight, but from what I'm seeing, I'm not sure we're going to like the answer." Argent says.

"Where are you?" Bats asks "And tell me your theory."

"Wayne tower and it's be easier to show you." Argent says.

"I'm headed your way with Robin II," Bats says, "Everyone else head back to the tower. Someone could be trying to take out the team."

The line goes silent. And my thoughts come back. I should've never left her alone.

"It's not your fault," Bats says, "You couldn't have known. No body could have."

"Being part of a team means no one left behind. I left her." I say.

"We'll find her."

"Like we've found Rob?"


"No! I don't want to live in a fantasy anymore. I don't need you to keep me from the dark. Tell me. What are the chances that Rob's alive? What are the chances that we'll find Blade before they kill her?"

"Finding Rob alive is a very small chance at this point. Blade has 24 hours before her chances of being alive plummet to where Rob's chances are."

I cry. I let it all out. I finally get a family only for it to be torn away again. Is this how my life is supposed to be? Alone forever?

After a while I realize we're coming to a stop. We step out and head up to the top of Wayne Tower. Once at the top we see Argent looking out over the city.

"So." Bats says.

"Her footsteps stop right behind me." Argent says, "Whoever did this may have knocked her off the tower. It's likely that she's dead or badly injured. Either way she's in the hands of the enemy."

"So no body?" I ask.

"No." Argent answers.

"Until we have solid proof she's dead, the rest of the team should not know about this. We need to keep them positive. It's the only way." Bat says. "Lets get back to the tower."

We head back to the tower and inform the others. They've lost Blade so many times. Their hearts are breaking. If we actually lose her I don't know if they'll be able to handle it.

A/N: Three chapters in one day? Okay now it's weird.

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