Chapter 18:Portal Home

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We finally got the portal built, and along the way, the others rekindled their friendships. I apologized so many times to Dick. One time when we were alone and the others were out Dick kissed me.

"Sorry, I always wondered if..." Dick says, but I cut him off with a kiss.

"It's okay, I wondered too," I say after breaking the kiss.

"So?" Dick asks.

"It was better than I dreamed of," I say.

"Same," Dick says as he kisses me again.

"You know it'll be weird when I go back," I say.

"Yeah, poor me," Dick jokes.

We also found a way to sustain Cyborg and Seriva outside the tower. I also found out that my father, Slade has taken over Jump City, and I have to stop him in the past. Slade is working against us in the future so we have had to be careful.

We start up the time machine and say our goodbyes.

"We'll miss you," Cody says.

"How can you miss me when I'm going back?" I ask.

"Bye," Dick says.

"Bye," I say as I hug him.

I turn back to the portal and begin to walk, I turn around, and all of a sudden something happens.

"Ambush!" Star yells.

My friends are quickly surrounded.

"Because you're all constantly against me I'll kill you all," Slade says as he walks out.

I watch horrified as Slade kills my friends one by one. First, he kills Raven, then Raph, Cody, Adina, Seriva, and BB. He then kills Cyborg, and Dick looks back and sees me.

"Go!" Dick yells, "Run! Only you can save us!"

Slade looks to see who Dick's yelling at.

"Grab her!" Slade orders.

Slade's men begin to fire their guns. Bullets went everywhere, some of the bullets hit me. I see Slade kill Dick and my heart breaks. I run through the portal. Halfway through the portal, I throw a bomb destroying the other side. I begin to cry at the loss of my friends, but I stand back up, knowing that I'm the only person who can save them. I stumble to the other end of the portal. The bullet wounds hurt so much, but I make it. All of a sudden the portal begins to explode. The explosion forces me out and to some place.

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