Chapter 34: Greetings

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***3rd person POV***

Place: Titan Tower

Time: one day after wake up (Nov 1st) 12:30

The team stayed in the tower. The coms were still down. Their friends still gone. Shiri paced, Raven read a book, BB, Cy and Star cooked, and everyone was doing whatever they normally do. It was like nothing was wrong, but everything was wrong. They tried pretending that day never happened, that everyone was there having fun, hanging out, but they were constantly reminded that there was now a hole in the team. Two members missing or dead, nobody knew. They took a picture the day after Blade woke up, and that reminded them that their friends are gone. They are also reminded by the small cry or sniffling that sometimes escapes one of their teammates.

***Blade POV***

Place: Bat Car on route to tower

Time: Nov 1st 20:00

Batman and I finally left his mansion a few minutes ago, due to trying to wait for it to be dark. Can't let someone accidentally see the bat car leaving Wayne manor. We are heading for Titan Tower. I may not know where everyone else is, but we both hope that the tower might have some answers.

When we arrive it almost looks like it did in the future, and that scared me.

"What?" Bats asks.

"Just something I saw," I say.

"What'd you see?"

"A few months ago I accidently went ten years into the future the Tower looked about as desolate as this."

"I see."

From the way he reacted someone traveling to the future was normal to him.

"Has anyone you know traveled through time before?"

"The Flash. Just remember you can't give away the future something could mess up if you tell anyone."

"I told Dick."

Bats just shook his head and we began walking up to the tower. It still looked desolate and quiet. The Tower was never quiet unless we were all asleep. The worst thoughts crept to the front of my mind and I shook my head and began focusing on the task ahead. We entered through the ventilation just in case somebody was in the tower that wasn't the team.

***3rd person POV***

Place: Titan Tower

Time: Nov 1st 21:00

The team sat in the living room talking, while unbeknownst to them Bats and Spirit traveled through the ventilation system.

"So what are we going to do?" Knight asks.

"We wait till we can get communications back," Rae says.

"Nobody leaves the tower till we do," BB says.

Suddenly Spirit sees her red dot return and begin blinking like it did in the future. Nobody else except her and Bats have realized the presence of another red dot. Suddenly Robin comes into view below the two in the vents.

"Robin," Bats whispers.

"Shhh," Spirit whispers, "They could be holograms."

"I know, but would holograms be that specific?" Bats ask pointing to Robin's injuries.

"I guess not," Spirit says, " Then why aren't we down there yet."

"Perfect timing," Bats says.

The others have finally settled in a seat.

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