Chapter 24:The Roof

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***Blade's POV***

Robin has been taking me up to the roof to talk. He understands more than anyone and I feel like I'm falling for him all over again. He tries to council me to his best ability.

We go up to the roof again. It's like our secret hiding place when we want to cry, without the others seeing.

"How are you feeling today?" Robin asks sitting on the edge of the roof.

"I still feel like I'm seeing ghosts," I say sitting next to Robin.

"You have to remember that you're here to save them. They won't die."

"They will. If I don't succeed."

"You will succeed. I know you will." Robin looks at me as I begin to cry.

"Will I ever get the courage to tell them?"

"I think you should wait till after you know they're safe."

"I want to avoid ever telling them. I don't want them to know how much pain there was."

"They can't remain innocent forever."

"I know, but I want them to remain innocent and childish as long as possible."

"You can't cave in. You can't give up, ever. I know that this is a lot of weight on one person, and I'll try to help you as much as I can." Robin says looking me in the eyes.

In that moment I realize that I can't hold back my feelings forever.

"I'm just worried." I say.

"I know."

Robin hugs me and we stay like that for awhile. I never want it to end. I look up at him as he slowly pulls away, and I can no longer hold back. I kiss Robin.

***Robin's POV***

I could see the fear and worry in her eyes and all I could think to do was hug her. Even though all I wanted to do was take away all her pain, and kiss her.

I begin to pull back slowly and she looks up at me. Then she kisses me. At first I was surprised, then I closed the kiss. She breaks the kiss and looks away sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I..."

I grab her and pull her into a kiss. We finally part, and just stare at each other.

"I always wondered if you liked me," I say.

"I know," Blade says.

I look at her bewildered, and she looks at me smiling.

"You told me in the future," Blade says crying.

"I kissed you in the future, didn't I?"

"Yeah at first it was a surprise, then we just kinda got used to it."

"So it was weird coming back after that. You had to pretend like nothing had happened."

"Yeah. The others laughed when they found us kissing. They said they thought we'd never get together."


"Yeah. I know exactly what I was thinking."

"So when I died you didn't just lose a friend." Robin guessed.

"I also lost the man I fell in love with." Blade says looking at me, and she began to cry.

I hug her say, "I know how that feels. I've lost people I love too.

***3 weeks later (Blade's POV)***

We have been sneaking to the roof a lot lately. We don't want the others to find out just yet.

"Anything you want to talk about?" I ask.

"You get to come see where I lived as a kid." Robin says.


"Yeah, Batman approved."

"That'll be fun."

"Anything you want to talk about?

"The team was right."

"About what?"

"I never had a happy childhood. I didn't even have a childhood. Before I meet you guys I never even knew that happy existed."

I snuggled next to Robin, now my boyfriend, and I began to cry. He holds me close.

"I lost my parents when I was nine."

I look at him quizzically.

"They died." Robin says sadly.


"We were part of a circus. We were the greatest trapeze act the world had seen."

"The Flying Graysons." Blade guesses, earning a stunned look from Robin.

"How'd you know?"

"I heard about it when I was a kid. The others seem to think the story you told them is not real."

"Yeah, I guess I gave them that impression."

"They said it was a story you told while undercover."

"Every time I tell it I hope it would get easier, but it didn't."

"I guess you never fully get over seeing someone die."

"It's as if someone has pulled a piece of you out."

"A piece that no one else, but the person you lost can fill."

I could tell that he was speaking from experience and I knew I was speaking from experience. We hug and just let the tears roll.

A/N: Bat fun next Chapter!! Time to meet Jason!! I came back to this point after completely uploading this just in case someone decides to try to finish reading this in one night. This is halfway through the book. Look at the time, take a break and come back later. It'll still be here when you come back.

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