Chapter 32: Bloody Hope

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***Akita's Pov***

We get to the tower and realize we're the first ones back.

"What do we do?" Shiri asks.

"We wait, and hope the others get here soon," Akita says.

Just then the doors open.

***BB's POV***

We open the front door to find Akita sitting on the couch with Rae, Shiri and Cy pacing.

"Beast Boy," Akita says, running to me and hugging me.

"You guys okay?" Rae asks.

"We're good," BB says.

"At least we're in one piece," Knight says.

"Let's never do that again. It worries us all too much," Star says.

"Has anyone heard from Rob, Seriva, Robin, or Blade?" Shiri asks.

"No, we were hoping they'd be here already," BB says.

"They were closer to the tower than anyone else," Cy says.

They have the map come up but only their red dots are on screen.

"Great, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say this only works right now if we're in the tower," Shiri says.

"Then we don't even know where they are," Akita says.

Suddenly the alarms begin to blare.

"They're in trouble," Knight says.

"Well at least we know that button works," Rae says.

***Blade's POV***

We are almost to the tower when we get attacked. Seriva put Robin down and began shooting anyone who got close while I protected her backside. Somebody jumps me from the side, and takes me to the ground. We begin fighting hand to hand. Every once in awhile I look over to make sure that Robin's okay. Suddenly somebody takes Seriva down.

"Seriva!" I yell.

I knock out the man I've been fighting and protect her and Robin. I fight them, but my strength wanes. I've been able to fight for days on end before, but normally I don't let people hit me. I don't want them to hurt Seriva or Robin. Finally Servia gets up.

"Seriva take Robin and run," I say, "I'll hold them off."

"But....." Seriva tries to say.

"Go, Robin needs medical attention asap and I can't fight properly while protecting you guys," I say.

Seriva leaves with Robin slung over her shoulder. I could tell she didn't want to leave me alone to fight for my life, but she couldn't argue when Robin's life hangs in the balance.

"Let's finish this," I say.

"You are foolish girl. Your friends were your only hope," a man in the crowd says.

"No, you are foolish. I mean who would dare hurt me," I say.

"We will," another man says.

"For our master."

"Well I don't think your master wants to get into a fight with Slade," I say.

That throws them off guard for a little bit.

"But Slade does not like the titans."

"He doesn't but if he hears that you hurt me. There'll be hell to pay," I say.

"And what makes you so special?"

The small distraction was working. I'm just hoping the button to set the alarms off at Titan Tower is working.

***Seriva's POV***

I ran as fast as I could from the scene. I was almost to the door when my communicator went off.

'She's in trouble, but I have to save Robin.'

I burst through the front doors only to fall down, dropping Robin on the floor.

***3rd person's POV***

After the alarms started going off we realized we couldn't help them. We have no idea where they are. Suddenly the front door burst open. We see Seriva with Robin slung over her shoulder. Not sure who's blood is on their clothes and now on the floor, we jump up. Before we can even begin to run Seriva falls to the floor dropping Robin.

"Seriva," Akita yells, running to Seriva.

"Robin," BB says, running to Robin.

Cy picks up Seriva and BB picks up Robin. They carry them to the medical bay.

"Blade," Seriva says.

That was the only word out of her mouth for the next several hours.

***Blade's POV****

All I can do is hope, hope that everyone else is safe. Hope that Seriva got Robin to the tower in time. I continue to fight the group that has formed around me. Course it's not fair that they are using knives and swords, but I kind of lost mine in the battle with Slade.

After refusing to answer why Slade would kill them if they hurt me. They decided to fight me anyway. I am wearing some of them out, but I don't have much energy left either. Honestly at this point I'm just getting lucky, also I'm just blindly hitting them.

My energy wanes even more as the fight draws on. My training had prepared me for this kind of stuff, but I never had this many cuts and bruises. I'm bleeding from almost every cut. I hope the team finds me soon, I don't know how much longer I can hold on.

'Wait!' I think.

I pull out a little beeper. Alfred had given it to me in case I needed help. I know if I contact Alfred he'll alert Batman. I may not want Batman, but he's my only hope now. I press the button and hide the small object again.

I begin to fight again, and half an hour later I feel like crap. Nobody's going to save me. They can't even find me. My vision is blurry, I can barely see, and I'm not fighting too well right now. Suddenly a figure appears in front of me knocking out the people directly in front of me.

'Batman' I think, 'At least somebody heard my call.'

I begin to fight again. The battle soon ending with most of the group on the ground, the others have ran away.

"Alfred alerted me the moment he got your distress signal," Batman says, turned away from me, "Is everyone okay?"

I fall to the ground and let out a small sound.

***Batman's POV***

"Alfred alerted me the moment he got your distress signal," I say, turned away from the girl, "Is everyone okay?"

I turn around at the small sound behind me to see the young girl on the ground bleeding. I go to her and her eyes are still open.

"Don't close your eyes," I say.

"," Blade sputters.

"I know, but you can't give in," I say.

I pick Blade up off the ground and carry her to the Batmobile. I drive away from the scene and to Gotham. Alfred can patch her up there. We may have to call Dr. Leslie again.

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