Chapter 12:The Circus

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*Blade's POV*

I get to the circus and find a cage with a green monkey in it. I wait till closing time. When they finally close, the monkey turns into BB. I walk over and hide.

"You've changed," I say.

"Who's there?" BB asks.

"A friend," I say.

"I'm listening," BB says.

"You have to help me," I say.

"Why?" BB asks.

"Because I need your help. I need the team. You're a hero Beast Boy," I say.

"There is no team. I'm no longer a hero. That ended a long time ago," BB says.

"You're still you," I say.

"Yeah, but I'm no longer Beast Boy," BB says.

"Yes, you are," I say.

"Who are you to say that?" BB asks.

"I told you I'm a friend," I say.

"A friend from how long ago?" BB asks.

"Ten years ago," I say.

"That explains everything. I'm gonna guess that you don't know that the team broke up," BB says.

"Oh, I know. I already talked to Cyborg and Seriva," I say.

"Then why are you bothering me?" BB says.

"Because I want the team to get back together," I say.

"It's not gonna work," BB says.

"Really? Because I believe it will," I say walking in front of his cage.

I stand there and watch him. I know that if he turned his head he'd see me.

"Go away. Only one person has a slight chance of bringing us back together," BB says.

"Oh trust me I know, Garfield," I say

BB looks up, then looks at me, and gasps.

"Blade?" BB asks.

"Yes," I say.

"You're alive!" BB says excited, "I'll follow you. I can help you get the others."

We leave, and head for the zoo.

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