Chapter 38: Robin

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I found another fork so I headed back and waited for Blade. After a few minutes, I began to get worried. Should I look for her? No, she told me to wait here.

I finally decided to try meeting up with Bats to find her. So I go back to the other fork and wait.


I found BB and Cy and began to take them outside. When we got to the fork Robin was sitting on the floor waiting. I look around and realize Blade isn't with him.

"What happened?" I ask.

"There was another fork so we split up. I waited for Blade for a while, but she never showed back up," Robin says.

I could see the regret in his eyes. He was scared.

"Help me get them outside, then we can look for Blade," I say.

He grabs BB and supports him out. We get out and begin coughing. The others look at us.

"Now who are we missing?" Akita asks.

"Rob and Blade," Shiri says.

"We have to go back in," Bats says.

"We can't let you do that," Rae says, "You already have too much smoke in your lungs."

"We have to save them," Rob says.

Just then the entire building fell with screams filling the air. I turn to see Seriva holding Akita back, Akita screaming, trying to run to save Blade and Rob, but it's too late.

"They are gone," Star says.

Some begin crying while others try to comfort them. Then the ruble begins moving. We all get into a fighting position waiting for something else to go wrong.

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