Chapter 41: It Feels Like A Dream

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Blade was still having her seizures, even after Bats came back. The first time she did it when they got back, those people looked scared. Their eyes went wide. They wanted to help, but knew there was nothing they could do.

It's all my fault. Blade wouldn't be in this position if I hadn't let her go on her own. It feels like a dream, a really bad dream.


Blade is having seizures every hour and there's nothing we can do. I turn my attention towards Robin. He's watching the window. I walk over and sit by him.

"It's not your fault," I say.

"I shouldn't have let her go on her own," Robin says.

"You couldn't have known the outcome," I say.

"I still could've tried."

"Stop! Stop beating yourself up! Stop blaming yourself! It's not your fault!"

"In a way it is."

"Don't believe that! Don't let the demons win!"

We stare at each other. I see how scared he is just by looking in his eyes. The days go by, the weeks go by, and the months go by. It feels like a dream losing a teammate and having another teammate in a bad condition.

Time: December 1st, 2018

Place: Tower


We haven't found any more clues on the whereabouts of Rob, and Blade still hasn't woke up. We've been on very few missions, if any since last year. Christmas was a mess and a lot of tears. Batman said last year that if she didn't wake up soon they were going to have to pull the plug. Blade had another seizure, it was the normal now, so we tried to ignore it.

Then it came, the long beep. We all turn around to find that Blade's heart monitor had a line. No bumps, no beeps, just flat. She's gone, she's dead. I felt as though I couldn't breath. Akita fell to the floor crying, I try to comfort her, but there are no words. I can't think. It feels like a dream.

We get up and everyone begins to leave the room. Tears are shed as we reach the door and open it.


I'm being chased, and then it stops when I reach a certain point. Then it starts all over except in a different place with a different thing chasing me.

I'm scared, I can feel my body shaking, but I don't know why it's shaking. Suddenly my eyes open. I can't breath, and I can't move. I can see the others at the door. I try screaming for them, but I can't. All I can think is am I gonna die? Is this me dying? Why can't they see I'm awake? Please save me.

My eyes close once again. I'm afraid. Afraid of the dark, afraid of dying. Will I run forever? I can feel my heart beating. My lungs begin to work and I let out a gasp. I turn on my side and begin coughing. Then I throw up. That was very unpleasant.


As the door opens, we hear a gasp and coughing. We turn around and Blade is on her side coughing, then she throws up. Akita runs over and pats her on the back before any of us can react. Bats is standing there stiff, then he grabs a mop and a barf bowl.

The rest of us start walking over as Zatara, Bats, and Akita sit Blade up. She looks at us, all of us.

"Where's Rob?" she asks, "And Robin?"

"Rob's missing," Bats says.

"Robin's probably in the training room again," BB says.

"Blade what happened?" Zatara asks.


I look at Zatara and decide that I'm going to have to lie. I hate lying but it's the only way they might understand.

"I thought I heard screaming so I went to find it and came face to face with a pillar of fire," I say, "The last thing I remember before running is passing out from the smoke inhalation."

"There was some type of magic blocking me from healing you," Zatara says, "Do you know anything about that?"

I thought my secret would be blown, but decided to look like I was thinking.

"No. I don't know," I say, "I can't think of any reason that would have prevented you."

I couldn't tell them the truth. They would only look at me with pity and I don't need pity.

"You'll meet with Black Canary for any counseling needs," Bats says.

I don't need counseling, but it's better to do it then to make them worry. So I go to Black Canary, well actually she comes to me. Zatara has put me on bed rest for at least a week. Let's just say this is gonna be a long week.

Robin finally came in. I was sleeping until he said something.

"I just wish you'd wake up," Robin says.

So they haven't told him yet. Surprise, not.

"I woke up earlier. You could've just said hi," I say.

He looks at me with wide eyes. Yep they didn't tell him.

"I'm gonna guess that Bats didn't tell you," I say, "You were the only person not in here."

"I didn't want to watch them pull the plug. They planned on doing it earlier, But I guess they didn't," Robin says.

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