Chapter 39: Rob

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**Peeks around corner.**

I got a job and where I stay to go to work doesn't have internet so uploading chapters is a mess at best.

But good news: I've started on book two for this. It'll be a three book series. Bad news: I don't know how to make them where they're connected as a series on here.


The building had been on fire. I was trying to find the others when Death Stroke showed up. I fought him, but he had gotten stronger. Suddenly darkness filled my vision and I felt my body fall. I hit the floor and that's the last thing I remember.


Joker's still hitting me. I'm bleeding I need help. Then I black out. When I wake up Joker is gone and I'm alone about to be eaten by the fire. I get up and wince in pain. I'm still bleeding. I go as fast as my body will let me, which isn't very fast, to the exit. Just as I see the door and sweet, sweet freedom, the building collapses on top of me. I hear someone scream. I think it's Akita.

I get up off the ground and begin moving the ruble away from me. I try to move my left leg, then realize I can't. I'm afraid to look, but I know I have to, so I look. There's a really large, probably industrial, screw sticking through my leg from what looks like a support beam.

I lift the beam up and away from my leg. I start moving the ruble around as much as I can. Then finally I see light, I see sunlight. I smile as I look up sitting on the ground.

*3rd Person*

The ruble moves and there was a person on the ground. They were clearly battered and probably broken, yet they smiled. They attempted to stand up and that's when the heroes noticed the large gaping hole going through the person's leg.

They fell back down and began dragging themselves out of the ruble and onto the hill, just a few feet in front of the heroes. They look at the person quit confused.


I look at the person sitting a few feet in front of me. I know it's a girl. She's smiling, she must've been the one to start the fire and accidentally got caught in the wreckage. That's the only reason she's smiling. It has to be.

Then I take a better look at the girl's outfit and realize I recognize the costume. It is Blade, but why is she smiling. I let my guard down and the others notice, so I say something.

"Blade?" I ask.

She turns around and looks at me, clearly dazed.

"The sun is beautiful," Blade says.

She then passes out falling on the ground. The grass almost immediately turning red with her blood.

"We need to get her back to the tower," Zatara says.

"Shiri, Knight, Akita, Seriva, and Robin. Take Blade back to the tower," Bats says, "The rest of us will stay here to search for Rob."

We leave and head for the tower, hoping, praying that everything will be alright.

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