Chapter 4 Team Building

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It's been a month. Everyone's getting a hang of their powers. They aren't perfect, but it'll do for now.

"Okay, you guys have been getting better. Now comes the part where we test to see what else can be worked on." Robin says.

"When will we get to go on a mission?" Knight asks.

"When we know you guys won't get yourselves killed," Robin says.

"Don't mind him he's almost always business," BB says.

"Almost?" Raph asks.

"When we first started he wasn't this bad," Cyborg says.

They began training in hand to hand combat. Robin pointing out where they mess up.

"You need a better stance," Robin says.

"No dip Sherlock," Knight says.

"Why do we have to learn hand to hand combat? I mean we have powers," Seriva asks.

"Because if you get jumped from behind or the person engages you in hand to hand combat you need to be able to protect yourselves," Robin says.

"Nobody's gonna jump anyone here how do we prepare for that," Seriva asks Robin, but Robin had disappeared, "Where'd he go?"

Robin has moved to the vents without anyone noticing. The others were now frantically searching for him.

"Oh great," Cyborg says.

"Not again," BB says.

"What do you mean not again?" Akita asks.

"He disappears a lot and you never know where or when he's coming out," Raven says.

"Is he doing this to scare us?" Knight asks.

"No, probably to show or train you guys how to fight an enemy you don't know where they're at," Cyborg says.

"Oh, joy," Blade states.

"He uses to do this all the time so that we'd be prepared for an attack like this," BB says.

"He could appear from any place in the building," Starfire says.

"Oh, fun," Seriva says.

"The first time he did this to us we thought somebody had kidnaped him," Raven says.

"Nice," Akita says.

Robin watches as they search for him everywhere. The new kids are by themselves while the original team has teamed up into two pairs of two people walking around back to back. Robin spots Akita by the dummies, Seriva by the bars, Shiri by the mattes, Blade by a wall, and Knight below a heat vent. Knight is the farthest from the group and the new teammates aren't watching each other, but the old teammates are watching them. Cyborg and BB look at Seriva and Akita while Starfire and Raven watch Shiriken, Blade, and Knight. Raven and Starfire turn to check something, watching Shiri, but not realizing they have left Knight unwatched. Robin carefully and quietly opens the vent. The others don't look over leaving Knight by himself, unprotected. Robin jumps down on top of Knight landing on him.

Knight lets out a small yelp as he hits the floor hard. Everyone turns to the sound. Seriva and Cyborg holding their arms up ready to shoot. BB and Akita have turned into animals. Starfire and Knight holding a ball of light. Raven using her dark magic. Shiriken holding his nunchucks. Blade holding her sword at the ready. They're all pointing it at where Knight was.

"Who's there?" Seriva asks.

Robin had knocked Knight and himself into the shadows. He then slips away into the heating vent taking Knight with him.

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