Chapter 3 Team Training

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The newest members wait in the training area. Raven Starfire, Cyborg, BB, and Robin walk in.

"Alright, to make this simple the one who is coaching you will be the one to give you our assessment. Just remember to use your code names while in costume to protect those you care about." Robin says.

"Seriva," Cyborg says, "I think you already know that there's so much more that you can do as a cyborg. I will start you on the basics."

"Akita," BB says, "Your good at turning into a dog, but you need to learn self-defense and learn to change into whatever dog or wolf that you need at the drop of a hat."

"Knight," Starfire says, " You can create light, but you lack physical skills. I will start you off with defense lessons."

"Shiri," Raven says, "Your good, you have good form, but you lack in keeping your bad thoughts at bay. We will start with meditation."

"Blade," Robin says, "Your good with a sword and flexible. I want to know what more you can do."

Each of them walks to stand in front of their coach.

"As time goes on the exercises will get harder and harder. It will be rigorous. You will be worn out. We will push you to your limits. To be the best that you can be." Robin says. "Follow your coaches to where you will be training."

-Seriva and Cyborg-

Walk out of the training area and to another gym/work-out place.

"Alright show me again," Cyborg says.

Seriva lights up.

"A good night light as Akita put it, but can you put more power into it?"

-Akita and Beast Boy-

The two walk to one of the outside training area.

"So, I feel more at home outside, plus it's a nice day." Beast Boy says, "We'll start with some basic hand to hand combat."

Beast Boy hands Akita boxing gloves and puts a protective covering on his hands.

"I want you to hit my hands as hard as you can." Beast Boy says.

"But what if I hurt you?" Akita asks.

"I seriously doubt you'll hurt me, but the point is to try to hit hard enough to hurt me. The enemy isn't going to hold back and you shouldn't either."

-Knight and Starfire-

They head to the second training area outside.

"Out here there is nothing you can accidentally destroy. It is my favorite place because it was made to withstand my powers." Starfire says.

"I've noticed you don't speak English very well," Knight says.

"I am an alien. English is not my native tongue." Starfire says, "I am getting better every day. But some words are harder than others."

"I can help. I mean you're helping me after all."

"I would enjoy that," Starfire says. "We will start with basic combat. It is a precaution in case your powers are blocked. Since even you do not fully understand their limits."

Starfire places her hands up.

"Hit my hands as hard as you can. You will not hurt me." She says.

-Shiri and Raven-

They head to a quiet room.

"This is one of the best meditating spots in the tower. I like to go here a lot." Raven says.

"I know about meditation," Shiri says.

"You do, but do you know how to use your emotions to fight without letting them take you over? Can you fight while keeping your concentration on keeping a clear mind? You slipped in the demonstration because you were too focused on what others think of you."

Raven grabs a stick.

"I want you to block this stick without showing your emotion."

-Blade and Robin-

They stay in the training room.

"Your good with blades. Do you know hand to hand combat?" Robin asks

"Of course I do. I can also disappear pretty easily." Blade states.

"Show me your hand to hand. It's okay if you hurt me."


-End of day in the training room-

"I hope you've all learned something today. Tomorrow we will work on team-building exercises." Robin says.

"So we train with our coaches every other day and the other days we learn how to work together?" Shiri asks.

"Precisely," Starfire says.

"You are dismissed," Robin says and then leaves the room.

"I think he's the one that needs to learn people skills," Knight says.

"Is he always like that?" Akita asks.

"Yes." The four remaining original titans say.

"He's all about being straight forward and making sure we see him as the one in charge, the leader. It's a good trait." Blade states.

"It can also be a bad trait," Seriva says.

"He's a warrior, a soldier in a war that sends children towards constant danger. He is who he is because he has to be. If you don't stay strong and rigid, then you'll find yourself dead." Blade says, walking out the doors.

"Those two are perfect for each other," Shiri says.

"Do you think they'll date?" Akita asks.

They laugh.

"Probably not," Seriva says.

"Like we've said Blade doesn't know what love is, we think. I don't think she's prepared for more than friends right now." Raven says.

"We should eat and get to bed. We have a long hard day ahead of us tomorrow." Beast Boy says.

"Know something we don't?" Knight asks.

"Nope," BB says, "We all know that Robin can be hard on training."

Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, and BB leave the training room.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Akita asks.

"I'm exhausted. I think I'll eat and sleep." Knight says.

"Same," Seriva says.

"I wouldn't mind finding something to do," Shiri says. "But eating first is a good idea."

"Cool," Akita says.

A/N: Ayy I'm on a roll. If I keep posting a chapter a day hopefully this book will be all the way up by the end of next month!

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