Chapter 25:Bat Home

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We finally get to the house that Robin lived in as a kid. It's not a house, it's a mansion. I still can't believe he called it a house. I mean I know who he lived with but I still can't believe he called it a house.

"This is where I lived," Robin says.

"This is a mansion, not a house," I say.

"You get use to it."

We walk up to the door and knock. We wait a few minutes. Finally someone comes to answer the door. It's an older man.

"Hi Alfred," Dick says.

"Hello Master Dick," Alfred greets, "Who is this?"

"This is Blade," Dick says.

"Welcome Miss Blade," Alfred greets.

"Thank you Alfred," I say.

We enter, and the place seems even bigger on the inside than the outside. Robin laughs at how surprised I am, so I elbow him in the stomach.

"It is good to see you again Master Dick," Alfred says, walking towards what looks like the kitchen.

"It's good to see you to Alfred," Dick says following him.

I decide to follow him, but stop in my tracks when I see a figure at the top of the stairs. I move into the shadows to hide. Then make my way onto the ceiling, as a boy not much younger than Dick walks down the stairs. The boy walks into the kitchen, and I follow on the ceiling.

"Alfred," the boy says, "Who's this?"

Dick turns around almost immediately, because of the new voice.

"This is Master Dick," Alfred says.

"Really?" the boy asks, "I'm Jason Todd."

"Dick Grayson," Dick says, shaking Jason's hand.

"I thought I saw two people walk into the kitchen with you," Jason says, confused.

"There is. She's right...." Dick says, then realizes I'm gone, "Great. Where'd she go?"

"Who?" Jason asks.

"A friend of mine."

They look around for awhile, but stop when a man walks in.

"Hi Bruce," Dick says.

"Dick," Bruce says.

You could feel the tension in the room grow, but Bruce had invited Dick and me over.

"What are you looking for?" Bruce asks, seeing Jason still looking around.

"Remember me asking if I could bring a friend?" Dick asks.

"Yeah," Bruce replies.

"Well she kind of disappeared," Dick says.

"Kind of?"

"Well I thought she was right behind me, but something must've caught her attention."

"Does she like hiding in shadows?" Bruce asks after looking at the ceiling.

"Yeah. She gets startled very easily."

I jump down from the ceiling after realizing that these people live here. I landed with a soft thump that made everyone turn around quickly, except Bruce.

"Where were you?" Dick asks.

"On the ceiling." I answer.


"Because I saw him on the stairs," I say pointing to Jason, "And I thought he could be an intruder."

Dick lets out a small sigh.

"Would you get off the counter?" Dick asks.

I jump down, and the others just stand there watching.

"Who are you?" Jason finally asks.

"This is Blade, my friend," Dick says.

"I'm Jason," Jason says.

"That's Bruce," Dick says, pointing to the man.

We shake hands, but it's awkward.

"Who trained you?" Bruce asks.

"That's.....complicated," I say, trying not to give too much information to Bruce.

"He's the world's greatest detective. You might as well tell him." Jason says.

"Dick can't even figure out my real name. If I told him who my mentor was, Dick would know," I say.

"Wow. That hurts," Dick says, sarcastically.

Bruce just stares at me. His eyes burying deep in my soul, but I'm not fazed by it.

***Dick's POV***

"Wow. That hurts," I say sarcastically.

I then watch as Bruce uses the Bat glare on Blade and suddenly I feel sorry for her. No one can keep anything from Batman, especially with the Bat glare. I then realize that Blade is not fazed by the glare. My jaw drops, no one has ever beat the Bat glare.

***Blade's POV***

I look over and see Dick's jaw drop, and all I can do is let out a small giggle.

"How?" Jason asks, bewildered.

"I can't tell you," I say.

"She's even more secretive than this with the team," Dick says.

"You're still not getting my real name," I say.

"Darn it," Dick pouts.

I laugh at his pout face.

"You know, if someone besides me saw you do that they'd think you've gone soft," I say.

At this Jason begins to laugh, breaking the tension.

"Supper is ready," Alfred suddenly says.

"Thank you Alfred," Jason and Dick say at the same time.

"Thank you Alfred," Bruce says.

"Thank you, Alfred" I say.

"You are all welcome," Alfred says.

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