Chapter 20:Wake Up

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Blade finally wakes up. At first, she's a little frightened of where she might be, but then she recognizes the room she's in. She's in the medical ward, and Raven is on the couch sleeping. The others have gone on a mission. She walks over and crouches by Raven waiting for her to wake.

Raven finally wakes up. As she begins to sit up Blade hugs her. Raven's startled by this. Blade has never hugged anyone, she's always been emotionally detached.

"Blade," Raven says.

"Raven, I missed you," Blade says as she pulls away.

"The others are back," Raven says, Blade looks at Raven sadly.

The others walk in, but stop in their tracks and see Blade awake.

"Blade," Akita says as she hugs her.

"Hello Akita," Blade says.

"Sorry," Akita says pulling away.

"It's okay," Blade says.

Blade sees Dick and wants so bad to run to him and hug him, but knows that it'll be too weird.

"I'm sorry for running off like that Robin," Blade says

"I'm sorry for yelling," Robin says.

The other girls run over and give Blade a hug.

"Do you see what I see?" BB asks.

"What?" Akita asks.

"Hey, guys!" BB yells, and everyone looks at him, "Blade's actually smiling."

Everyone laughs at that. Blade had never smiled before or even laughed. When they heard her laugh and saw her smile it made them smile. They changed her life for the better.

"So, what exactly happened to you?" Seriva asks Blade.

"Yeah, where'd you go?" Akita says.

"I'll answer all your questions in the living room," Blade says.

The team heads for the living room, talking along the way.

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