Chapter 19:Home

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The team was sitting in the living room together, hoping the map would have another red dot on it. They felt so useless, they couldn't even try to save Blade.

"I think it's time you guys know a story," Robin says.

"Okay," Seriva says.

"When we first started as a team we were kids. One day we were finally allowed to protect someone at all hours of the day and night," Robin says.

"It was a girl our age," BB says.

"She became close to us," Star says.

"Robin related the most to her, and got along the best with her," Raven says.

"We lost her," Robin says sadly.

"By the time we found her it was too late," BB remembers sadly.

"There was blood everywhere," Star says.

"So much blood," Raven says.

"Anyone who lost that much blood would have died," Cyborg says.

"We had failed her," Robin says.

"We never forgave ourselves for that," Cyborg says.

"With Blade missing we feel it all over again," Raven says.

"We will understand if you do not want anything to do with the team," Star says.

"We know how much it hurts," BB says.

The others stand up and hug them Seriva grabbing Robin and Cyborg into a hug, Akita hugging BB, Knight hugging Star, and Raph hugging Raven.

All of a sudden the map began to beep.

"Blade," Robin says running to the couch to look at the map.

"It says she's here though," Seriva says.

"At the tower," Akita says.

"How?" BB asks.

Then they see a portal open behind them, and they get into fighting stances. They watch as sparks fly off the portal.

"Ahh!" Akita yells.

Then somebody gets thrown across the room, and the portal explodes. The dust settles and the team looks back at who had fallen, and they begin to stand up. Raven notices the blood trail from where the portal was to where the mysterious person is now.

"Whoever that is, they're bleeding," Raven says.

They all look at the person again as they stumble a little bit.

"Ow," a familiar voice says.

"Blade?" Akita asks, hopeful.

"You know bullets really hurt," Blade says as she stumbles into the light, and then falls, passing out on the floor.

"This is why we have the red dots," Robin says as he picks up Blade and takes her to the medical wing.

The team waits for her to wake, this time not leaving her side.

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