Chapter 23:Pop Quiz

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It's been a month since Blade's return and the team actually sees her smile and laugh. They know that her life has changed for the better because of them and because of whatever happened in the future. Blade still refused to tell them all that she saw. She always said that until she made sure it never happens they won't be able to know.

The team starts training in the training room together helping each other out. Robin has decided to do another pop quiz, but of course doesn't tell anyone.

"Hey Robin," Blade says turning around to find him gone, "Where's Robin!?"

The others look over and groan.

"Not again," Akita groans.

"Let me guess pop quiz?" Blade asks.

"Group up don't let him take anyone," Cy says.

They group up everyone taking one partner, then they realize someone's already missing.

"Where did Blade go?" Akita says a little scarred.

"Great," Shiriken says.

"I hate it when he does that," Knight says.

"Me too," Seriva says.

***Robins POV**

I had escaped to the ceiling and listened to the team's conversation chuckling.

"Where did Blade go?" Akita says a little scarred.

At this I froze and began frantically searching for her. The team continues talking while I search for the missing teammate.

"Great," Shiriken says.

"I hate it when he does that," Knight says.

"Me too," Seriva says.

I had not taken Blade. Where could she be?

"We aren't falling for this again Robin," Rae yells.

"Give Blade back and we'll try again some other time," BB says.

I was still searching for her, but there was no sign of her. There had to be someone inside the tower taking out the team I have to warn them. But how could I without giving away my position?

***Blade's POV***

After realizing what Robin was doing I decided to hide on top of the vents. I watched the commotions of my friends and couldn't believe they thought Robin had caught me off guard. I begin to move around and I finally see Robin in the ceiling.

I get up to the ceiling without alerting anyone to my position, and sit behind Robin waiting. The others are still searching for me and Robin is keeping an eye out for me. Then I hear them begin to yell at Robin, still believing he had grabbed me.

"We aren't falling for this again Robin," Rae yells.

"Give Blade back and we'll try again some other time," BB says.

'Ha' I thought, 'Robin doesn't have me.'

I could see Robin begin to worry, so I stood up.

***3rd person POV***

Robin saw a shadow creep over him and let out a scream as someone tackled him. The others look up and see the two figures tumble to the ground. They get into a fighting stance hoping that no one had invaded the tower.

Robin throws the figure off of him and the two begin sparring. The mysterious person, Blade, finally pins Robin to the ground.

"Titans run!" Robin yells.

The others just stand there ready to defend themselves until they hear the mysterious person talk.

"I win," the familiar girl voice says.

Robin realizes it's Blade and lets out a relieved sigh as she pulls him up. The dust settles and the team sees their friends standing there.

"Dude you scared us," BB says.

"We thought you took Blade," Seriva says pointing at Robin.

"I didn't take her, and when I realized she was gone I froze. I thought someone was inside the tower and had taken her," Robin says.

"So we were all scared," Akita says.

"Except Blade," Cy says.

"How'd you know I was up there?" Robin asks. "I changed my hiding spot this time."

"That has something to do with what I saw in the future," Blade says.

"Great now she has another reason to be mysterious," Knight says.

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