Chapter 22:We Have To Talk

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Robin walks over to me after the meeting ended.

"We have to talk," Robin says walking away.

He takes me to the roof of the tower.

"Why here?" I ask.

"So the others won't be able to listen in," Robin says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"You came back from death," Robin says sitting down.

"I only went to the future," I say.

"No," Robin says, "When you came back you passed out on the floor."

"Yeah I remember coming back and falling," I say.

"I took you to the medical wing. We almost lost you," Robin says, "Five times."

"Oh," I say.

"The last time your heart stopped, we thought we had lost you forever," Robin says.

"I'm sorry that that happened," I say looking at him.

I can tell there is sadness in his eyes.

"I guess I just wanted to tell you never do that again," Robin says.

"I'm sorry," I say as I hug him.

I then realize Robin's hugging me back, and there are tears falling from his eyes. I reach up and wipe them away. He looks at me, his sad eyes staring into my sad eyes. We sit there for sometime.

"Why are you crying?" Robin finally asks.

"I saw something in the future and I know I have to stop it," I say.

"What did you see?" Robin asks.

"I saw everything. The world had fallen into a state I never thought it could. People were scared, you guys were scared," I say, beginning to tear up.

"It must've been hard," Robin says.

"That's not even the worst part," I say.

"What is the worst part?" Robin asks, a little scared.

"I now see dead people walking around, and all I can do is look at them and see their death all over again," I say.

"You watched someone die?" Robin asks.

"I couldn't do anything to save them. One of them told me to run, so I ran through the portal, and I turned around, and saw Slade kill him. He killed him with a gun at point blank range," I say crying.

"I've seen people die too. Everyday I wish I could go back and save them, but I don't get that chance. You've been given the greatest gift, and the greatest chance. You can save lives," Robin says trying to cheer me up.

"I've also been given the greatest secrets," I say.

"You can tell me anything," Robin says, pulling me closer.

"I watched them die Dick," I say, "How can I ever look at them the same way again?"

"I don't know," Robin confesses, "Who did you see die?"

"I saw Raven die first," I say.

"You saw the team die," Robin guesses.

"Yeah, even you," I say, my heart breaking again.

"You've been through so much even though you haven't really been working with us that long," Robin says.

I look at him and then rest my head on his chest. I want so bad to just kiss him, but I can't, it would be too awkward.

Teen Titans: New Beginnings (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now