Chapter 47: Till Death

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***Blade's POV***

I finally got to Slade's hiding spot and I see a guard waiting in front of the door. This is where I hand myself over. This is where I'm no longer in control. I have to do this. I have to save Rob. I have to save everyone. I walk up to the guard.

"He was wondering when you'd show up." the guard says.

"I know," I say, "I had to get the others away from me. Don't need anyone interfering with anything now do we?"

"No. You know where he is?"

"Of course I do."

The guard opens the door and I walk in. I head for the biggest room. I peek in the door and there he is, Slade, sitting in his chair talking to a guard. I walk in.

"Ah," Slade says, "There you are. I was beginning to wonder if you were lost."

"I found my way just fine," I say "Just had to make sure no one would follow."

"Are you ready?" Slade asks "Will you join my side once more?"

"Where's Rob?" I ask.

"The little birdie?" Slade asks "You care for him don't you? I told you to never get attached. I guess I'll just have to kill him."

"No. I'm not attached. Not to him, to them. I would do the same for any one of them."

"Ah. So you have no strings attached to one, but all?"

"You're twisting my words. I'm not attached. I know that no matter what you do they won't give up. You can't break them. I mean nothing to them. I have a proposal."

"I'm listening."

I cross the room and walk to end of the stairs that lead to his chair.

"Take me. Give Rob back and take me in his place. Release the bird and you can have your revenge on me."

"And what if I take you and keep him?"

"Then I'll never stop fighting you. Let him go to his friends and I will come quietly."

"No tricks."

"As long as there are none on your part. Give him to his friends peacefully and I will not fight."

"Deal. Except the peacefully part."


"Because his friends are already here and you know how I hate intruders."

Slade stands.

"No. Don't hurt them. Please."

Slade walks down the stairs his guard cuffing me.

"Bring the boy." Slade says. " I believe our visitors will want him. I also think he should be able to say goodbye to his friend."

"That wasn't part of our deal." I scream.

"Deal has changed. But know this," Slade says, grabbing my chin, "you will stay with me. I will control your mind if I have to."

A door opens and a guard drags Rob out. Rob lifts his head and I look into his eyes. He looks at me surprised.

"NO!" Rob screams "Blade!"

"Awe," Slade says sauntering towards him, "So cute. So precious."

"Let her go Slade," Rob says.

"No," Slade states.

Slade grabs him, throwing him across the room. He lands in front of the double doors where I had come in at.

"Your friends will never stop looking for you," Slade says as he approaches me.

I look over at Rob and he's trying to get up. All of a sudden the doors burst open.

A/N: What's this? A forth chapter upload? In the same day? Yeah this is happening.

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