Chapter 8:Team

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"Raven you're a team captain, and BB you're a team captain," Robin says.

"Do we get to pick our teammates?" BB asks.

"No," Raven says.

"On team Raven is Cyborg, Akita, Knight, and myself. On team BB is Shiriken, Seriva, Starfire, and Blade," Robin says, "Begin!"

They begin team Raven winning until Blade finally takes down Cyborg with the help of Seriva. Then team BB begins winning moving around like they have been working together for a while. It gets down to Raven and Robin vs Starfire, BB, and Blade. BB and Starfire take down Raven together, leaving themselves open to an attack from Robin. He takes them both out. Then fights Blade, the others get up and walk to the other side of the room watching as the two fight each other.

"This has got to be the greatest battle ever," Knight says.

"You should see Robin fight Slade then," BB says.

"We have," Shiriken says.

"That wasn't at his best," Cyborg says.

The two finally call a draw around supper time.

"You still need to work on your team skills," Robin says.

"No dip," Blade says, then walks away.

"She is so not happy," Knight says.

"She probably isn't having a good day," Akita says.

A/n: Yeah, so sorry. I got distracted...

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