Chapter 37: Where It All Went Wrong

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We got to Puppeteer's and it was a trap. The building immediately became engulfed in flames with all of us inside. Some panicked and ran. While my group went through looking for the others, trying to save them.

"Knight, Shiri go back to the entrance so no one tries coming in to look for us. We don't need people getting lost," Bats says.

Shiri and Knight left, heading back to the entrance. Bats line was the only one that worked, so we all switched to that.

"Robin, Blade. Go left I'll go right. Hopefully, we'll find the others soon," Bats says.

We head to leave and begin walking around on guard. We found Seriva and Akita. We lead them to the exit and they left our sight. We went back in and began looking again. We turned left at the fork we had separated from Bats at, then continued on. A few minutes later we came upon another fork.

"Which way?" Rob asks.

"You go left, I'll go right," I say, "Meet back here if you find another fork and we'll figure it out from there."

We separated, and I waited till he was out of sight to start down my path.

I should've never left Robin. I went down a path I didn't want to go down. I rounded a corner and came face to face with Deathstroke. My eyes widened, and he smiled that devilish smile at me.

"You know it's not every day I find a traitor," DS says.

I begin backing up hoping to find someone or something to help me fight him.

"You know if it wasn't for Puppeteer I wouldn't even know the team was here?" DS questions, "I specifically told you to tell me every move they made and you had been doing good."

I turned and ran. I ran as far and fast as I could, trying to get away. Eventually, I found myself right next to the flame. The source of the smoke filling my lungs. I felt like I was drowning. I turn around realizing I'm trapped.

"You should've never betrayed me," DS says.

Out from behind him stepped Joker with his infamous crowbar. I tried backing up, but only found flames. I knew in that moment that I was gonna die or something. Joker knocked me to the floor and began hitting me with his crowbar.

"Just make sure to get out before being captured," DS says leaving.

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