47. Feel again

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"You what?!"

"Easy, easy, he wanted to do it himself," I held a hand up to my defense while the girls gawked at me. Well, save for Habit.

"The little pipsqueak really had it in him? Damn, I'm proud!" He cackled, "it's a good thing Snow, don't get your panties in a twist. If he gets backed into a corner it means he'll be able to swing and being around Nina definitely means he's gonna need to swing."

"I guess I really can't judge," she groaned as she leaned her head on the table, "I am the one that came flying at my bully knives bared."

"That's the spirit! Also if there's going to be blood tonight count me in, I miss getting my hands dirty."

"You know, I've never actually seen one of Nina's kills." Snow chirped. "Tom usually goes with her when things need to be done."

"Ahem," Habit cleared his throat and she rolled her eyes.

"Correction, we've seen one of Nina's kills."

"Thank you," he snorted, "kid might not like me but I'll at least make sure she gets her credit. Crazy little shit deserves her spot on America's Most Wanted."

"Fuck, am I even still on there?" I chuckled, "I feel like Snow's been queen of the castle so long they've forgotten about me."

"Nah you're both still right at the tippy-top," Habit slid Snow's busted up phone over to show us and we passed a laugh around.

"Sitting at a table with the country's most wanted killers, never thought I'd see the day," Ann admitted with a hint of amusement.

"Right?" Jules snorted as she snapped back, "I'm going to go take a shower before we go anywhere tonight, I still reek like gasoline."

She finished what was left of her coffee before departing and it was down to just the three of us, Ann giving me a contented smile when I caught her gaze and I was just glad her worries about what she was now had all seemed to melt away.

Eventually Mama Kitty came home from work and Ann was the first to greet her, the two of them absolute peas in a pod and having someone else who understood the trials and tribulations of nursing and working in a hospital seemed to do wonders for both of their attitudes. Snow gave me a gentle nudge and I took that as my cue to follow her upstairs, sinking into the blankets and watching her move around the room to collect the clothes I'd so graciously removed from her body to celebrate being home. She just tossed my own shirt back at me when she caught me snickering and I pulled it on as I sat up, just in time to reach out and pull her into my lap.

"You know I'll never get tired of seeing that perfect peach of an ass right?"

"God you are still such a pervert," she cackled into my shoulder as I squeezed her, "maybe tonight we can finally make a big, bloody mess in someone else's house and have our fun with it."

"You have no idea how much I'd kill for that."

"Sounds like a plan then," she cracked a wicked grin and I kissed her before she could pull away, the two halves of her tongue slipping past my teeth to play with mine; I'd have gone for a round two then and there if not for the knock on the door.

"Kitty, Jeff, we're home!" Nina's voice echoed through the wood while Snow pulled back, "just come grab us when it's time to go."

"What time is it?" Snow asked.

"It's about seven right now," Pierce answered for her.

"We'll go out around ten, go have your fun," Snow shooed them off before she turned back to me, "I still can't believe you let him."

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