17. All I want for Christmas

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It was late into the morning when I shifted, arms wrapped tightly around my bare waist as I turned to nestle in closer to Jeff's warm grip. He shifted and pinned me to his chest while I hiked my leg up onto his hip, locking us both into place as his lips brushed my neck. Oh, how I've missed you.

"No, you can't make me get up," he muttered as I laughed, feeling him smile against my skin.

"The cavalry's going to come knocking anytime now," I teased, "we were all hoping you'd make it, you know. We definitely didn't think it'd happen but we still hoped."

"Are you kidding me? I'm not missing out on Christmas with my cute little psycho," Jeff grinned and I kissed him hard, still tasting the whiskey on his lips, "I couldn't miss this. Not for anything. I already had to spend one Christmas without you, I'm not missing another one."

I snuggled in closer and my lip trembled, wanting to stay here with him for the rest of the day but knowing it was only fair the others got to have their time with him, too. I'd already ringed his neck with bite marks and tiny bruises, my own body littered with hickeys that he gently traced. Eventually I heard movement outside and kissed Jeff again, pulling out of his grasp and letting him roll onto his back while I cracked a devious smirk, sliding over to perch atop his hips. The blanket had wrapped around my shoulders and he looked me up and down before mouthing out the word 'fuck', dropping his head right back onto the pillow.

"You're a succubus, I swear to God."

"No, just Snow," I rolled forward and pecked the tip of his nose before emerging from the comfort of the blankets, the cold air making my skin crawl with goosebumps while I grabbed for new underwear and a pair of jeans. I'd just pulled a long sleeve over my head when I felt hands on my waist, Jeff leaning into my back while I smiled, reaching behind me to cup his cheek.

"Toby doesn't know what the plan is yet," he whispered, "I'm working on turning his proxies against him. Kate and Ann are already on my side, I'm hoping today will swap Toby to ours."

"How many are there in the house?" I asked, keeping my voice hushed.

"Aside from them, only two more. Rouge and Firebrand. Rouge seems pretty set but Firebrand could be important," Jeff kissed my temple before releasing me, "Habit seems to be MIA. No one knows where he's gone but he would've been a force to be reckoned with if we had him on our team."

"Yeah, the completely unhinged wrecking back that carved his name into Chelsea?" I laughed, "I don't think so. I'm wondering if he's really as behind the scenes as we're thinking. What if he set that monster on Nina's friend?"

"From what I've been told the Rake is loyal to him, but doesn't always act with his permission. The theory about revenge on Nina is closer to what I think really happened," he sighed, pulling a T shirt on after releasing me. He'd already stepped back into his sweats and I couldn't help but think his neck looked a little bare. He must've been thinking about the same thing as he reached out to cup the pendant that now sat on my sternum.

"Tim and Brian made it here but they couldn't stay," I explained softly, "they're here when the time comes though. We've just got to give them a call."

"I'm so glad they found you guys," he sighed, resting his forehead against mine. "Toby doesn't know about that either, he thinks they knocked me down while he was unconscious."

"Basically we just need to run under the premise that the whole plan doesn't even exist while he's here, at least until you can get him on our side."

"Bingo," he nodded, cupping the back of my head and pressing his lips to my forehead before he smiled, catching my hair in his fingers, "I like your hair like this. Reminds me of the first time I ever saw you without your mask."

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