15. To the rescue

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I met Toby downstairs on Christmas Eve, bumping my fist against his while we waited. I had from midnight to midnight, meaning I'd be showing up the moment it hit Christmas Day. He seemed pretty excited to have an opportunity to try and redeem himself with my friends, too. Couldn't blame him, they were pretty fun.

"Bring me back some candy canes, will you?" Kate chucked from the steps as she watched us, "the peppermint ones, not the weird ones."

"I'll make sure I grab a box," I assured her, "you sure you don't want to come with us?"

"Nah, you two go and have a little male bonding time. He needs it."

Just as she waved at us the clock must've struck twelve because Operator arrived promptly, transporting us to the city I loved the most. The moment I felt still again I took a deep breath, smelling the evergreens on the breeze and to my pleasant surprise snow had fallen around us. After a moment of observation I realized I was on the opposite side of town from where I wanted to be though and I swore, wishing he could've at least dropped us in her backyard.

"Well, guess we walk from here," I snorted, "did he do this when he dropped you off here before? Just stick you in some random patch of forest?"

"P-Pretty damn much," Toby chuckled, "he's got no sense of direction, just t-teleports everywhere."

Just as I'd pushed out and onto a sidewalk I caught sight of movement, but before I could dodge it a massive force slam into me hard enough to knock the wind out of my lungs. I whipped my knife out in an instant but as the body stopped rolling she was on her feet, staring me down with heaving breaths and a knife in her own hands that I'd have recognized anywhere.


Her expression changed in seconds and she slammed into me a little less forcefully this time around, wrapping herself around my chest and hugged me tightly. What are the odds of that?!

"Who the— the hell is this?" Toby snorted as I set her back on her feet, "your little sister?"

"No, she's—?"

"Yeah, that's me," I watched with surprise as she stood tall to him, announcing herself proudly as she tapped the flat edge of the knife against her chest, "name's Nina the Killer, at your fuckin' service!" Suddenly she pulled back and sprinted down the road to where a discarded longboard lay upturned and I realized I'd knocked her from it, red tights torn and bloody while she wiped the gravel out of her palms. "Jeff, I need your help! Head to the skate park!"

"What's h-her deal? She seems like she's in a hurry," Toby said under his breath as we ran to catch up to her. We passed a familiar skate park and she kicked the board up before she sprinted to a fire escape on the side of an apartment complex. She had her knife in her teeth when she gestured for me to come over and I put it together pretty quick she needed a boost.

As I backed up I watched her scale the rusted steel like a goddamn spider monkey, her skirt swaying while she clamored up the steps. She got to the third floor and slapped the glass before she threw the window open and started shouting at someone. Toby joined my side as we watched in anticipation.

"What the f-fuck's she doin'?" He asked.

"Whatever it is, probably isn't good," I sighed, bracing myself again as a boy rolled out onto the platform. A red flag went off not only when I saw that he was bloody but when I heard her screaming like a banshee from inside.

"You think you're fuckin' smart don't you?! I'm gonna put my knife in your skull just like I did to Habit!"

"There's no fuckin' way," I scoffed, running forward to help the kid down and taking a moment to look him over. "Hey, buddy, look at me— you good?"

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